A Space For Dreems (yes with two e's)

There is a definite underlying restlessness that accompanies the pursuit of dreems that we were destined one day to accomplish. We have this sense that we were made to do something different with our lives, and even if we are not yet consciously moving towards them, they are constantly moving towards us! One day we will intersect with them because they were simply meant to be.Sam Smith

One of the more interesting theories of time that has been postured is that we don't move towards a chosen future, rather, that we remain relatively still, and that our future moves towards us. This sounds a lot like destiny.

I think most of can relate to the feeling that time appears to accelerate as we age. Joy to the World rings out across shopping centres around the world and we glance at the calendar to see that the countdown to Christmas is now at T minus 6 weeks. But it was just the other day that we were singing Auld Lang Syne! And we have no idea where the year went... but time has elapsed while we were busy living erm enduring life.

Neither my husband or I plan to work to the State Pensionable Age of sixty-seven in our country. As we age we start to place a much higher value on our time, and our remaining years take on a priceless aura. This means that the ability of the corporate world to meet and satisfy our internal valuation of life becomes far more difficult. And so I would truly like to be retired from the rat race in the next 3-5 years. That is not to say that I won't continue to do things to earn money, to sustain my needs, but I would like my time to be my own again.

Despite the famous catchphrase of the Hunger Games, we all know that the odds were never in their favour! WiktionaryFrom the moment we are born, death becomes a certainty. Nothing but "death and taxes", right?

I learned more about positioning this year. I can explain this term by use of a simple example:

If you want to be in with a chance of winning the lottery, you have to at least buy a lottery ticket (or be in possession of one) - Positioning!

In the same vein, if we want to gain clarity on our future dreem life, and start moving, with purpose and intent, consciously towards it, or at least be ready for it when it arrives, we need to position ourselves so that, when the stars align, we are ready to make the most of the opportunities that present themselves and take that leap of faith.

I've been spending a fair bit of time contemplating what the next few years might look like. I know I want to start living more purposefully and more intentionally. Life really is too short to waste it number crunching on my laptop every day for a corporate salary and then burning the candle at both ends to eek out the last few drops of joy that life has to offer each day. I know that I have to be prepared to live with less, to gain more in the process. But before I can think about letting these dreems set up permanent camp inside my head, and allow them to gain an irreversible foothold in my heart, I need to consider that dreems demand time and space. I need to do this right.

To dreem is "the art of transforming mere dreams into genuine accomplishments" and "DrEEming is where you take all the best things from your dreams, and realize that you have the potential to build that world into reality with faith, drive, imagination..." Dreemsteem

If we want to convert potentiality into reality, we first need to create space for those dreems to be nurtured. The dreems already exist. Everything that we require to accomplish them already exists. But if we try to squeeze them into our juggling act when we already have too many balls up in the air, we are not giving them the breathing space they need to flourish, and then we don't do justice to what they could become if we were to treat them as our number one priority. And so, I need to clear the clutter - from inside my home, my head, and my heart because I need a space for my dreems to grow.

A thorough Spring clean will move me closer to minimalism, which in turn will reduce the stress that accompanies a life of human excess. It will also enable me to transition more easily in the future if I have less stuff to worry about. I plan to work through my home systematically to remove what is no longer needed and to turn our living space into a home that works for our family and which we can enjoy and love while we are in it.

I want to remove the distractions and admin from my life that create stress inside my head, and that throw out my sense of equilibrium. I will be making a list! Headspace - I need you back!

And then I want to spend more purposeful and intentional time with my inner circle of family and friends, whilst lovingly releasing those whose hearts and minds do not align with my own. This will bring me more peace and joy.

These dreems are all capable of being achieved in the next year, and when they are in place, I will be free to dreem the bigger dreem into shape... another space for dreems into the wild blue yonder. This dreem involves building a very new and different life in a place where I am surrounded by mountains, and oceans, living my life with intention, purpose and peace, and where I can lie under the stars at night, always greeted by the Milky Way.

"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done."Unknown origin

It's time to Dreem big!

This post is in response to the Dreem Space challenge in Dreemport this week for the Dreemer of the Year Contest. You can find it here

Header image Night Landscape and Milky Way by SolarSeven

Infinity divider created using Canva Pro library.

Dreemport banner used with permission of @dreemsteem and @dreemport and designed by @jimramones

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