On Cake, And A Resignation at Last

As my post from yesterday would attest, I'm having a tough time with work. Today I had a day off (I work part time - thank god for buffers) and walking along the beach (no surf) I had a realisation that I just really really hate deadlines and responsibility. Well, not really a revelation - I knew this, but the kinda thought that made me go: 'well, no wonder you're stressed, everyone's at you' - or at least the feeling that they are.

Add that to social anxiety and PTSD from my last job and it's been a messy, messy week. Lots of meditation, lots of breathwork - and thank goodness for today. Don't be leaving me advice or sympathy - I have my toolbox and I know things will get better (actually, will go infinitely up and down, because that's life).

Cue cake.


I left a quick voice message on a friend's phone as I'd not responding much to her cheerful messages. She's a lovely woman, very kind, with four teenage kids and a whole farm of animals, and still time for others. I'd said I was mega anxious this week and it'd been a rough start to term, and would you believe that when I got home, there was a cake and flowers on my doorstep? Never underestimate the power of cake - especially an orange flourless one, which is my dream cake. Orange marmalade in cake form.


Jamie handed in his resignation today. I wrote the template for him on Chat GTP as he was in a tizz about it. He'd already told the principal and she was lovely, saying he was always welcome back and how he was a really valued member of staff. I bet she knows how hard he'd be to replace - it's not easy to get senior Physics teachers, let alone ones that can teach IB Physics and IB maths as well as the state curriculum.

I could have written it in five minutes myself, but why, when it takes Chat GTP a few seconds? All he had to do was fill the gaps.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to formally resign from my position as a Physics and Mathematics teacher at X International College, effective as of January 26, 20XX. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working with the staff, students, and administration at X International College, and I am grateful for the valuable experiences I have gained during my tenure.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition for my students and colleagues. During the notice period, I am more than willing to assist in the preparation for the upcoming academic year, offer guidance to my successor, and provide any necessary training or documentation to ensure a seamless handover.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support and opportunities that X International College has provided me throughout my time here. It has been a privilege to contribute to the educational mission of the school, and I leave with fond memories and a deep sense of gratitude.

I wish the school continued success in its pursuit of excellence in education, and I hope to maintain positive connections with the X International College community.


I'm leaning more into ChatGTP to complete bureaucratic tasks that are time consuming and time wasting. It saves going through third party apps such as resume template generators and spell checkers. We spend so much time on the mundane. I'd rather free up time to actually live.

Eight and a half weeks to go, and term is over for both of us, for a while at least. Neither of us can wait.

With Love,


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