Some lovely colors today.

Times are tough lately, but nothing will get us down, so I will share some beauty with you.

A bit of everything in here to show us that there are also differences in nature. But they are beautiful differences.

Come and walk along with me and have a look through my eyes what we can see in this beautiful place on a wine farm.
Now I am not going to caption the photos as usual, because you and me are looking through my eyes and we can only stare at the varied views.
So then, let's see what we can find here.






The place to be on a nice warm day isn't it?
Many lovely sights of fauna, flora and wildlife that all combines to stroke the soul. Given to all of us just to enjoy and only asking for our appreciation.
A place where one can relax away from the world's troubles and our own issues. Just to amble along in the sounds of nature is a blessing to the mind and the heart.







My greatest fear is that one day all of this might be gone if we don't stop to turn the damages that we are doing to nature around. Yes Mother nature asks for our appreciation, but if we don't care for her then she will simply go away. The thing is that then we will be in big trouble as we rely on her for food and health.
Life is sacred and sadly so many species are becoming extinct due to our mismanagement and destruction, that things will surely reach a point of no return.

We can all do something about it as we can raise our voices about the destruction via the non-profit entities that focus upon the salvage of nature. Anything will help to save this gift to all of us.
Please think about it!

I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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