Some have never seen this before.

Now why would this Cape Dwarf Chameleon be so angry?

A little bit of patience here as there are 15 photos, but with a great story.

We went to a nursery to look for some nectar plants and as usual I had my camera with me to take photos of the little birds that fluttered about.
Then one of the employees called me to show me this.
So come and be entertained.

I know that this post can also go into the #amazingnature community and elsewhere, but I wanted to share it here as some of my friends on the coasts of South Africa are in #silverbloggers. And yes, we know the dwarf chameleons.

Check out this little beauty below, and please note that I place the descriptions of the photos above each photo.


But that's not all, as now the fun started!

I was about to get into our car to leave, when the same guy came out to call me again.

He showed me this.


I gently let him climb onto my finger as I was worried that somebody would either take him, as they are popular to sell in the pet market, or the pot could be bumped, and he could get hurt.

Look at the size of this old man, and I have previously posted some dwarf chameleon babies that were as big as the first joint on my finger.

I decided to put him in the same bush as the other one, as at least it is protected, but a big mistake, as when I placed him at the bottom of the bush he clambered up on the same branch where the other one was on.

Slowly but hurriedly, they sped past each other, the one taking the lift up to the 1st floor and the other one taking the lift down to the basement.

But you can see that the first occupant of the bush was not very happy.

In fact, he decided to turn around and to hiss some terrible swearwords towards the other guy, that I cannot repeat here. Mostly starting with F:)

How would you feel if a stranger walked into the dining room of your house, right past your table where you sit eating?:)

Yay! You can see that this guy was terribly upset, and I wonder what he would do if the other guy were to wink at his wife.

Any case, he decided to go back up as he saw that the other guy had made a hurried departure.

Finally, I checked and the other one was doing okay.

So, just a look at the goings on in the dwarf chameleon world, and they act very much like we from the homo sapien world do. But the action was so great to watch in slow-mo as these guys do not have any racing abilities.
I am just glad that they did not attack each other, as I would have had to play referee. Luckily, they are toothless, and I think not much harm could be done.

Threats are ten a penny and lately it is awash in the media, but normally nothing comes of it and at times I think that we are just giant chameleons.
We also fiercely protect our territories and beware any intruders. So, just like the animal kingdom, we all are the same as we journey on this planet.
Yet nothing is permanent and it is all mostly illusions.

I hope that you have enjoyed the story and the photos.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity

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