My birthday continues ... ***Delhi Cious***

Lee arrived to fetch me for my birthday dinner.

With my son, Lee

In my last post I shared my breakfast with my son Lee in the morning before he went to work.

Dinner was still to come and my son took me back to the restaurant where I had a mild lamb curry and Lee had a Chicken Madras curry.

The restaurant has a lovely atmosphere and when we finished eating the chef arrived with an ice cream treat for me with a fire light and the whole restaurant joined in singing happy birthday to me. This was a very special moment for me.

Such alovelysurprise

My daughter, Eden, who is in South Africa at the moment insisted that I go out for a treat since it was my birthday.

In the afternoon I went to the same lovely Indian restaurant with a very clever name - Delhi Cious and settled down to chat to Eden while ordering a soup. While waiting for my order Eden and I had a facetime call on Whatsapp. How wonderful that these days we can see loved ones who are far away - so different from the days when we relied on posting letters and having a very expensive call once in a while.

Who knows what it will be like in some years to come.

Truly delhi-cious tomato soup topped with cream
I can honestly say it was one of the best soups I have ever had out in a restaurant***

Some photographs of our dinner:

Chicken Curry for Lee

Lamb Curry for me

Basmati RiceNaan Bread

The naan bread was also the lightest and tastiest I have ever had - superb.
What a lovely birthday I had - missed my other two being with me but spoke to them on the phone so that really helped. Eden and Emma and Jack and Les also phoned me in the morning and sang happy birthday to me.

Yesterday Lee took me to Amsterdam and spoilt me once again. He bought me some shoes and summer pj's.

My gorgeous orange jacket/windbreaker was an amazing birthday present and came just in time as the weather was cool on the morning of my birthday and yesterday in Amsterdam it rained - so once again - perfect timing to be wearing my gift.

Of course it goes without saying that my kids that God has blessed me with are my greatest gift of all.


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