Race Track Ski Jumping - Digitizing My Parents Photo Collection

I've decided this winter to undertake the monumental task of starting to scan in my parent's old photograph collection. This will encompass 2-3 totes worth of mostly black & white photos from the 30's through the 90's. In 2016 I scanned the majority of their 35mm slides but this looks to be a much larger endeavor.πŸ™‚

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So from time to time I plan to share some of the more interesting, or in this case crazyπŸ€“, photos here on Hive. I will do my best to deliver some back story to the photos through conversations I had with my parents, research on Google, or information provided on the back of the photos.

The following pictures were taken by Johnny Corbin Photo - Tarzana. My dad is on the horse and I'm guessing this might have been taken in the late 40's maybe very early 50's. My dad got into ski jumping when he was quite young and stayed pretty active with it up until I was born in the late 50's. In addition to jumping he helped build, design and maintain jumps in California, Montana and Washington.

I really like this shot! Ski jumper in flight, leaving the take off and jumping over a WW2 jeep in front of the Hangman's Tree Saloon. There are even spectators (cameras?) on the roof taking in the action. Johnny Corbin did a great job of getting a lot of detail into this photo.πŸ‘

Also the advertising for the Hangman's is top notch. Steaks, Lousy food and warm beer, who wouldn't want to eat there. πŸ˜„

Another shot of the lead up to the jump. Again my dad on the horse and the skier's name may be Erling Wigg(Wiig). Looks like a horse race track somewhere in the Los Angeles area. Might be snow brought down from the San Bernadino Mountains or the San Gabriel Mountains that surround the LA basin. Could be ice but it seems like a lot of ice. πŸ™ƒ

The last picture of this small collection is of my dad on his trusty steed. My grandparents ran riding stables at Lake Arrowhead in California in the San Bernadino Mountains in the 40's. Probably where my dad learned to ride. More on that in a future post.

And before I end, a small fact about Tarzana California from Wikipedia.

Tarzana is a suburban neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, California. Tarzana is on the site of a former ranch owned by author Edgar Rice Burroughs. It is named after Burroughs' fictional jungle hero,

Please feel free to make comments or ask me any questions about this post.

Photos taken by me, @oldmans, with a Nikon D3300 and some Lightroom post processing.
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Thanks for looking and enjoy your day!

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