I plan to learn crochet

For several years I have admired seeing the beautiful things that are made with crochet, I have not had enough commitment to learn, I have always left it for later, it is one of those things that I think that one day I will learn.


Image by maxmann published in Pixabay

I even tried once...

My beloved maternal grandmother knew how to weave in this wonderful way, and on some occasion I asked her to teach me and she with the greatest of pleasure tried to show me how to do it, but in the first attempt it did not come out as I expected and instead of practicing more I put it off for later, thinking I might be willing to learn later. But now my beloved grandmother has died, and she will have to learn from someone else.

At this stage of my life I think I have more disposition, but there are my small children, when they see me doing something, for example sewing by hand, they become curious and want to be on top of me, so I leave what I am doing for when they are asleep.

So I think I will learn to crochet when they are in school, those are my plans. LOL!

I have an anecdote, I am the oldest of my maternal grandmother's grandchildren, my cousin Alejandro was born after me, his first daughter was born about 20 years ago, and my grandmother did some beautiful things for her, as a joke I told her I claimed that I was older, that he had to wait for me... Hahaha!

Imagine, he had to wait for me for about 16 years...

My dear grandmother played along with me saying why hadn't I hurried up, and we laughed about it.

So my Maita, as we affectionately called her, knitted some booties for my future children, that gesture filled my heart, she had no idea when I would have them, over the years I doubted it, but I still had them saved in case God granted me that great desire of my heart.




What happiness for us, when she saw my prince wearing what she had made with so much love so many years ago, and if she had not made them at that time, she would not have been able to later because when I was pregnant, it was very difficult for her to knit.

That booties are no longer useful to my children, but I still keep them like a treasure, they are a gesture of that tender love that my beloved Maita showed me.

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