Light at the End of the Tunnel


The week just gone by has been quite surreal following Cyclone ISSA, which has been relentless and caused much destruction and death, with many people still missing.

It really feels like we've been watching a horror movie, except that we were part of that movie!

Is the storm nature's way of saying enough is enough?

Our Burning Planet, a project of The Daily Maverick, warns that we are to expect extreme weather and climate change more often, and sooner than expected.

Why are we only now waking up and realizing that we have not taken care of Mother Nature as our forefathers did?

However, right now in our nick of the woods, following a harrowing week, there is light at the end of the tunnel, as I saw this morning when our loyal Bongikosi and I took a walk down our dead-end road.
He refused to go home for the Easter weekend as usual, as he wanted to be with us in case of more storms; but thankfully the cyclone moved up the coast, away from us!


Even though a section of the road is down to a single lane, residents who live past the obstacle caused by the massive mudslide, can once again use their cars and go about their daily lives as normal as possible, under the circumstances!


I was shocked to see the extent and size of the crater left at the source of the mudslide; this goes way down below to the road level. It is going to take some careful planning by engineers to reinstate the bank safely. As my friend said, if this is not done correctly by the time they rebuild their home, it would be like walking into a lion's den!


Let's hope this has been a wake-up call for the authorities and for us as residents not to sit back, but to voice our concerns when we see property improvements being done irresponsibly.
Lax building techniques and extreme weather conditions is a recipe for disaster!

This storm, however, has taught us many lessons as we've been left without basics we take for granted, but now realize just how we've been wasting the most precious life-giving resource and that is water, which however can also turn into a destructive force, as we saw this week!

It's all about balance, but that sadly has been disturbed by the people of our planet!

We however will continue looking for that light at the end of the tunnel, be thankful for small mercies, and as Silvery folk still do our little bit to help heal our burning planet!

Happy Easter to all my friends who celebrate this special day!


I've made it to day 17 of #Hiveblopomo, an initiative of the awesome bizzy Queen Bee @traciyork, encouraging all Hivers to write a blog a day for the month of April. Having survived this cyclone, I'm sure I will reach Day 30 of #HiveBloPoMo!

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