Life at the Fairground

Do you remember the excitement when the fairground came to town? I dare you to take a peek at this link and tell me which ride you would choose.

My favourite was the colourful ponies on the merry-go-round with its gentle swaying round and around. My brothers were more daring and only wanted to go on the wild rides.
I was a little afraid of the Big Wheel, what if something went wrong and it stopped with me high up in the air? Mom Lily's youngest brother was my 'big brother', and as long as he sat next to me, I felt safe.

I remember how we dared my Oupa to join us on one of the high-speed exhilarating rides where your tummy does a somersault and you scream from the beginning to the end. Oupa shouted one loooong expletive that lasted right to the end, holding onto his hat as if his life depended on it!

I will never forget how we laughed till our tummies hurt after that ride. Oupa scolded us for putting him through that but then started laughing as well.

Life can be just like those rides at the fairground; scary rides that knock us off our feet.

Just like my Oupa held onto his hat, we often hang onto what we see as our safety net, too afraid to let go and try something new. The outcome may not always be what we want, but we adjust, or it turns into one of the best chances we ever took in life!


Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

Whenever my cousins came to visit for big family celebrations, I used to feel very sad when everyone had to return home, but the family had all spread their wings into different parts of SA.
I did not want those carefree days to end.

Nowadays, they're all over the world, a harsh reality for many South Africans wanting to escape crime and corruption.

The grass however is not always greener on the other side, right?

I honestly don't think many countries worldwide offer the diversity we have here; from the natural beauty of the majestic mountains to the beautiful blue oceans. We have eleven official languages, each with its own culture; which can be fascinating. I believe our people could live in harmony if the politicians stopped meddling and causing division.

Tranquil view from our cottage balcony - would I be able to enjoy this if I had not taken that chance by turning the cottage into an Airbnb just over eight years ago? Do I really want to leave this behind?

The month of April for sure played tricks with me, some good and some bad stuff.

This week was the worst with way too many ups and downs, I felt like my head was spinning by the end of the week. I needed time alone, and it's been good!

One of the 'downs' turned into a nostalgic but happy visit.
I lost a dear old friend, my very first neighbour after Arthur and I got married. I last saw her children when they were young teens, as they all emigrated years ago. They popped over for a visit and had a peep across the fence to see what was left of their old garden. It was a lovely trip down memory lane as I'd forgotten some of the happenings way back then! Their Mom was a graphic designer and worked for a textile manufacturer. Many of her designs ended up on clothing sold in one of our high-quality stores. She worked from home when her children were growing up, something quite unusual back then, but she was super-creative.
A replica of the Jerusalem Western Wall of Prayer is in the church where my friend's memorial was held. Anyone can write a prayer, push it into the wall cavities, and have their prayers read out at the next church service.

When I lose a loved one, I remember how I used to cry as a little girl when the family parted ways, I wanted us all to live together and be one big happy family forever.

My niece and her family visited us some years back, and her little boy was inconsolable on their way back home, saying to his parents:

Why do you give me new people and then take them away from me?

A sentiment I shared when I was younger, and still feel at times, but I now understand that people come into our lives not only for a season but also for a reason. There are lessons to be learnt along the way.

The missing, however, will never end!

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