Fings Ain't Wot They Used T' more

Will it ever be the same again?

The London musical Fings Ain't Wot They Used T'Be is a musical comedy about Cockney low-life characters in the 1950s, including spivs, prostitutes, teddy-boys and not-too-honest policemen.

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One thing I really miss terribly is going to see a live theatre show; my heart goes out to the performers whose lives have been severely disrupted by Covid lockdowns!
This image belonged to my late uncle who was nominated for the prestigious Naledi Awards in 2010 for costume design for Fings Ain't Wot They Used T'Be.
Little did we know then that he would be found murdered in his flat in Johannesburg just two years later, and the title of that show became very real to me as things have never been the same ever since that awful night!

I do not think any of us ever imagined that we would be doing the things we are doing today - wearing masks and sanitizing our hands before being allowed entry into public places!
I certainly would have said you're crazy if you told me that would become part of everyday living.

My son when he was stuck in lockdown in Orenburg, Russia last year.

However, there still are many pleasures to be had in this mixed up old world of ours with little miracles taking place each day, we just need to keep our eyes wide open and see them and importantly, keep our sense of humour to stay sane in this crazy world we find ourselves in.

Another fun show at The Barnyard Theatre with some of the butch guys in drag!

Some things have not changed

One thing that has not changed is nature; we can still see glorious sunrises and sunsets every day; seasons come and go as always; the flowers are still blossoming; edible crops are still being planted by farmers.


The birds and the bees as well as the butterflies still fly and flutter about; wildlife carry on in the great outdoors.

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I would say we should get out as much as we can.

Those who live in a concrete jungle can still pack a picnic basket and have a good old-fashioned picnic in a public park or take a drive to the countryside or the coast.

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Go for regular walks, even if it's just around the block; this is one sure way to get the blood flowing and stimulate the endorphins.


Skype or call an old friend and catch up on what's been happening, a wonderful way to reconnect and reminisce on days gone by.

Rather than falling asleep in front of the telly, turn on the music and listen to all your favourite songs of yester-year and enjoy a music evening in your own home.

Time waits for no one and when I look back at the life of my soon-to-be 90 year old Mom Lily with her determined young spirit; fit and strong up till her early seventies when she was still fishing, painting walls - not canvasses, walking every day to keep fit and up till a couple of years ago still making sure the cookie tins were filled with home-baked goods.
That is the way I would want to live my life and at least let things stay the same inside my heart and home even though Fings Ain't Wot They Used T'Be out there in the big wide world!

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