A Silvery food trip down memory Lane

My blogging passion started off with food soon after my so-called 'retirement', so will be taking you on a trip down that memory lane.
Sandwiches were my passion, and two of my friends from that weekly challenge run by the piano master @jaybird are now part of the Silver Bloggers. Silverfish and Silver C. We made the craziest sandwiches that were anything but boring, and I will share a couple of those with you!
I hope that the two of you still have some of your images and share them here in a post, how about that? Or any other Silvers who I'm sure have made some crazy sandwiches, I'd love to see yours as well!
My very first entry was a Christmas tree pancake stack, with simple fillings of tuna mayo and cheese & tomato; big enough for two old Silvers!
This was a springtime garden sandwich arrangement that turned out really pretty.

Another sandwich stack, this time made with bread squares from a local bakery, avocado, smoked beef, and cream cheese.


Lastly, I'll share with you a sliced pancake stack made with Moongh Dhal, an Indian Gujerati curry specialty that one of my best friends taught me how to make; the only difference is that they serve it with Rotis, a kind of Indian flatbread.


I started setting up what initially was an Airbnb six months before exiting the corporate world, and saw this as a part-time job, expecting only the odd bookings as we are in a suburb some 17 kilometers from the beaches, and thought I'd have plenty of time on my hands.
How wrong was I, as the bookings started increasing as many families enjoyed the tranquility after a day at the beach!
This is what organised chaos looks like during guest changeovers - this was pre-Covid.
Ever since Covid, we've had to be way more careful when handling linen.

A specialty of Durban, is a Bunny Chow - nothing to do with bunnies! This is a hollowed-out bread filled with hot and spicy curry, something I have made, but here we took one of our young guests out to a restaurant in the harbour area. He actually finished the entire helping!
You have to eat a bunny chow with your hands, using the bread to scoop up the curry.
My work buddies used to laugh at me, as I always used a knife and fork, simply could not bear getting my hands full of curry!


Once we got busy in our BnB, having to register and do all kinds of stuff to be 'legal', I quickly learned to make instant kind of snacks when friends came around.




My own version of cappuccino made with dark roast plunger coffee and frothed milk, the best way to start the day.


A refreshing lemon & passionfruit summery cordial quickly made with fresh fruit & iced water or soda water.

lemon cordial.jpg

Lastly, Mom Lily's Tonic Herbal wine, perfect for a cold winter's night.


Some of my old friends may remember some of these foods and drinks, but looking through my old images, I could not resist sharing this collection of some of my old favourites.
I think it's high time I started food blogging again as playing in the kitchen is my absolute favourite hobby, and now that I have more time with not having to take care of Mom, I will start making the kind of healthy food our Silver Bloggers would enjoy!

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