Purr-fect Bliss

Cats Whiskers

No matter the destination we attract pets wherever we wander, well cats to be exact, open the door sure to have a couple of wild cats to greet you.

Now this leads me on to think..., here we worry about housing, next meal or drink, these cats are neutered by the locals to slow down growth population, for good reason.

Domestic cats tend to breed at speed, rely on humans to get food with ever such clever tactics of cuteness overload, birds and other wildlife then affected when too many populate a region.

Perhaps there is a lesson in here to consider our breeding habits, food and housing.


Thought they may be a brother and sister making their way through life together.


Close enough for comfort to laze in the late afternoon sun.


Orange rump and gorgeous markings, only one of the two allowed a little touch the other totally wary of human contact.


Home comfort found around holiday dwellings...


Purrrfect bliss cat heaven!


African wildcat (Felis lybica) look very similar to a domestic house cats with tell tale ginger/orange behind the ears, belly and hind legs.

Gene pool is weakened when breeding with domestic cats by what I have learned, with possibility of wild cats living wild with close proximity of bushveld, the town has been vigilant keeping on eye on these who look so similar to the only wildcat I have seen.


African wildcat (Felis lybica) Photograph taken 2018 when visiting Wildcat Rehabilitation Centre

Cats have been domesticated for a long time, one wonders how close to the original cats they are compared to what roamed Egypt years ago. They hunt at night, sitting next to the fire watching them zip up trees in no time at all jumping between trees on high at times where trees grow close together, a problem for bird life at night.

As always thanks for visiting hope you found the cats interesting, although not friendly to touch did join us every evening for a little piece of meat to enjoy, keeping good company I hope!


All photography is my own using a Canon PowerShot SC730 HS, resized for easier loading, writing is my own.

Thought for Today: "Two cats can never be equal; one will always be bigger than the other." - African Proverbs



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