A compilation, writings that run together or give history.


True Story

I wrote a poem, to girl I thought I loved
I called it ‘Diana’ because of the moon.
It was all about the river being so
Dark and cool, and holding the
Secret of my love. Truth be told
I loved the river, and was infatuated
With her, though her name was
Diana too.

Isn’t it odd, what our emotions will do,
Making us do absurd things in pursuit
Of unrealistic goals? That girl was
Playing me; she was involved
With someone she married not
Too long afterwards, but I was
For a while. I wrote the poem, in
Remembrance of that pain, that angst.

Emotions can control you, they can
Bring you great pain, and/or great
Joy; what a dichotomy! I’m glad
I don’t drink any more, I’d rather
Have a “Frontal Lobotomy”
Than a “Bottle in front of me”

Jerry E Smith


The river, so dark and cool

Holds the secret of my love,
As the River flows,
So, my life, to the end,
And as my life, so my love,

As the moon filters through the leaves,
Dappling the leafy floor,
No one is there to see.
My love falls Blindly on your ears

Surprised, you flee...
As a deer in the woods,

I am left alone in the cool,
Damp darkness

"The Moon"

Jerry E Smith
Written about 1978


Owners Manual

The heart,
Both the physical and emotional,
Is a very Fragile thing.
One casual word, innocently spoken,
But mistakenly understood,
Can open deep and
Enduring wounds in our emotional hearts,
Forgiveness goes a long way in repairing that
Not so the physical heart, it is not
So easily repaired.
This is why it is so very
Important to guard your words, and also
Your health.
What you eat, including
What ideas you take in, can be greatly
Helpful, or harmful.

As for me, I trust
That little voice inside that speaks
To me where no one else hears.

I ‘know’ when I shouldn’t do,
Say, eat or take something.
It is up to me to listen, do
The right thing… or not.

“Owner’s Manual”
Is built in; if we will
Just follow the

“Owner’s Manual”

Jerry E Smith
source 2


Sunset of Broken Dreams

There are days when the sun seems to set on nothing but
Broken Dreams.
There should always be hope,
Always knowing that if the sunsets, it will
Surely Also Rise, and
It will rise on new dreams, new horizons and
New hopes.
Things may seem bleak right now,
Things never Remain the same.
Just hang on,
Things WILL get better,
Somehow if we only have
Faith and Patience.

"Sunset of Broken Dreams"

Jerry E Smith
This last image I have no source for.


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