On my way to my golden age

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Marisa Howenstine-Unsplash

On my way to my golden age

I am writing for the first time in this silver bloggers community and I love that it is a big family of golden threads "people" who do not stop talking, and writing from the truth, love, acceptance and humanity.

Today I continue to work on my acceptance based on the fact that from the very moment I was born I began to age and that like death this stage is inevitable, therefore it depends on my attitude and how I want to live it.

How beautiful it is, and it makes me happy to think about my old age, I wish so much that God allows me to reach 70, 80, 90.... Undoubtedly, every year we turn and begin to live is a wonderful gift.... I am already 64 years old, and now when they ask me how old I am, I answer with hopeful faith and optimism that "I am heading for the golden age".... Amen to that desire, and thanks to the healing self-love that life gives me.

In this golden stage, flowing is a matter of accepting the positive and negative aspects of my adulthood and on my way to old age, the important thing is to put my energy in positive thoughts without the speed and immediacy of time that I have not bought and that flies by.

It seems prudent to me to NOT dramatize those erroneous and misguided beliefs about this stage of the (older adult) that many consider to be a contagious cycle of pain, illness, poverty and death.

I talk about this because today I focus all my energy on what I can do in this now, since I have much more time to share and do activities I didn't have it for before, like writing on this blockchain, for example... now I'm a blogger on hive.

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With the years, I started to be a renewed and much better version of what I already was because now I enjoy the wisdom that the years give me, actually at least in mine, everything is a matter of attitude, considering my physical changes which I see in what I reflect in front of my mirror, every time I look at myself, of course this does not mean that I do not strive to look and fix myself to feel good, and to keep my good spirits and self-esteem up.

I honor every year that life gives me by not hiding the traces that the years have left, traces of the road I have walked that I accept as part of my history, of those traces of so many smiles, tears, and situations that I have had to live... I value life!... There is no doubt that knowing the path is very different from walking it.

As much as possible, I try not to focus on what I have left behind, unless it is to see how I have evolved for my well-being through experience, learning that the years have given me. Undoubtedly my body is different, gravity does its job, but my mind is different, more serene, mature and much more aware.

I take care of my physical condition, I do exercises, walks, I love dancing, reading, listening to music, sitting in front of the sea and leaving my mind blank.

I try to live a healthy life, physically, mentally and spiritually, in coherence with my lifestyle, genetics, situations I have lived, food that not all of us older adults handle in the same way for various reasons.


Centre for Ageing Better-Unsplash

Living this stage of my life in a full and productive way, with greater acceptance, allows me to be more rational so that I do not remain sown in my weaknesses, but focused on my capabilities, which I reinforce with the experience and learning from all the difficulties that I have had to overcome. (I am a cancer survivor).

I love to surround myself with my loved ones (those who are NOT toxic) and with people like us, those of us who are in this community living the same cycle to learn to live similar situations, giving and receiving support, accompaniment, virtual presence as much as possible.

I am one of those people who think that at every stage of life we must cultivate our affections to have a healthy, full, happy and as calm as possible, giving love to those around me, and at this stage in which temperance is present, in which I am not afraid of what people will say, or to make a fool of myself, in which my ego and my pride have been so beaten that now has a normal size making me more humble, I see my priorities more clearly.

Now I let people get angry, let them criticize me; it's their problem, not mine. I no longer stop doing things because others don't like it. I am impressed by people who do more of what they like with their time to live more fully and happily.


Ainara Oto-Unsplash

There is no greater triumph than living life to the fullest; therefore, if we manage to add years to it and, by the way, that those years have more happy moments than sad or painful ones, it means that it was worth it.

This is a year (for me) of so many teachings, the death of close people I loved, and my healing process to allow me to speak to you properly: Hey, let's live before our lives are gone!

Also, I definitely admire and respect this woman I have become today, because growing old is a privilege and I never confuse it with a lack of illusion, I only show loyalty and conviction to myself. That's how beautiful it is!

You can follow me at


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Icons by: Icofinder

The cover photo was editedby: @janitzearratia in Canva

Translation with| DeepL

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