Where was I when...? King of Pop.


Source: https://pixabay.com/es/photos/al-aire-libre-vertical-cementerio-3266742/ - Greg Reese.

  • What a beautiful day today, I feel like cleaning and as always I will put music to do it with much more encouragement.

  • The music of Michael Jackson plays, the song Dangerous from his Album Dangerous... uuu Dangerous. dangerous.

  • I take the broom and pretend it's a microphone: Dangerous
    The girl is so dangerous.

After a couple of hours I had finished cleaning and listened to 14 songs, danced and sung from this spectacular Album. So listen to the phone:



  • Sister !!

-Yes, hello... what's up? Why are you crying ?

-Is that... haven't you seen the news? Michael Jackson is dead!!!

A cold paralyzed my body and all my hair stood on end... How did it happen? ...

Right away I go to the television, turn it on and find that all the channels covered the news. There was already the crowd of fans in front of the hospital where he had been taken to try to do something, but it was useless. The King of Pop had died.

A tear appeared and then a few more followed, my legs weakened and I had to sit on the bed, while I continued to see people cry because of the terrible news.

Flowers, tears, mourning in the hearts of those of us who admire him as a singer. An emotional wake where all his family and friends were. A long line of cars at the funeral to say goodbye to the King, goodbye to his black lace-up slippers, goodbye to his shiny stockings.


Traduccion al Español:

  • Que lindo dia el de hoy, siento ganas de limpiar y como siempre pondre musica para hacerlo con mucho mas animo.

  • Suena la musica de Michael Jackson, cancion Peligroso de su Album Peligrosa ...uuu Peligrosa. peligrosa.

  • Tomo la escoba y finjo que es un microfono: Peligrosa
    La chica es tan peligrosa

Al cabo de un par de horas habia terminado con la limpieza y 14 canciones escuchadas, bailadas y cantadas de este espectacular Album. Entonces escuche el telefono:



  • Hermana !!

  • Si, hola...que pasa ? Por que lloras ?

-Es que ... no has visto las noticias ? Michael Jackson ha muerto !!!

Un frio paralizo mi cuerpo y todos mis cabellos se erizaron... Como fue que paso ? ...

Enseguida me dirijo al televisor, lo enciendo y encuentro que todos los canales cubrian la noticia. Ya estaba la multitud de fans frente al hospital donde habia sido llevado para tratar de hacer algo, pero ya era inutil. Habia muerto el Rey del Pop.

Una lagrima se asomo y luego la siguieron unas mas, se me debilitaron las piernas y me tuve que sentar en la cama, mientras seguia viendo a la gente llorar por la terrible noticia.

Flores, llanto, luto en el corazon de quienes le admiramos como cantante. Un emotivo velorio donde estaba toda su familia y amigos. Una larga fila de carros en el sepelio para decir adios al Rey, adios a sus zapatillas negras en puntilla, adios a sus medias brillantes.


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