When the Wrong One Loves You Right

I woke up a few days ago and found out that I will be getting married to a man I haven't even met. I was petrified! I thought about running away to a place where nobody knows me, not even my name. The image of my mom being so heartbroken crept into my frightened mind so I decided to write her a note, just in case...

Dear Mama,

By the time you read this, I will be long gone. And I am very sorry. I couldn't even begin to imagine the heartache this will cause you, and I'm so sad thinking about what it might do to you, but I just cannot do it. Mom, I'm very sorry, I hope you and Dad will understand.

Please be healthy and happy with dad. And don't worry about me, I will call you soonest. I will be safe, I promise...

I love you both,

My mom is amazing and she's one of the best. Even though she doesn't agree with this kind of arrangement, our culture calls for it and she cannot do anything. Her marriage with Dad was arranged too, fortunately, it turned out alright. And she fervently hoped the same goes for me.

I have to make up my mind today. There is no escaping once everything is done tomorrow. There will be no chance at all. But how am I going to leave without making my very own mother cry?

That thought occupied my mind the whole of today and even the previous night that I feel so exhausted that I dozed off...

Artem Beliaikin

"Common now, darling. Snack time and you wouldn't wanna miss the blue sky!" I heard a voice so I opened my eyes. I was on the living room sofa for my usual afternoon nap.

He patiently waited for me to be fully awake, then he helped me get up, and teased me to dance and I playfully obliged as we laughed wiggling our hips left and right.


After which we walked out the porch where I couldn't contain my giggles when I saw something amusing he did on the fruits.


Paulo, my husband, has been a gentle soul since that fateful wedding day. It's been 30 years since and he still does the same things and more, just like when we were newly married. He never failed to surprise and make me laugh each day with all that he does --- making amusing faces; breakfast in bed; being a hands-on and caring Dad to our only son Patrick and spoiling us with lots of giggles throughout the day.

That man I was to run away from many years ago turned out to be the best man I could ever dream of.


After writing my note to Mom, I had fallen asleep and it was too late when I awoke the next morning. People have already gathered around our house and there was no way to escape. And just when I was frantically thinking about what to do, mom came to my bedroom. I saw from her eyes that she was worried but encouraged me to be strong, reassuringly said, "Everything will be okay, sweetheart..." as she guided me to the bath to freshen up and get dressed for my wedding day.

"If only I could just disappear from here" my thoughts screamed while I hesitantly walked on the carpeted aisle. The garden in our backyard was decorated beautifully which was at least close to my dream garden wedding.

Looking ahead and amidst the flashes of cameras around, I caught a glimpse of the man I am about to be wed with. He was standing right beside my old man. "It must be him," I thought to myself feeling nervous even more. He was smiling sheepishly but oh, he sure looked good!

Anastasiya Vragova

At the corner of both my eyes, I saw the seats were filled with people, all eyes on me. "This can't be happening!" my mind screamed loudly as I walked faster towards my dear Mama. Her tears fell as she hugged and kissed me whispering, "You'll be okay, sweetheart..."

My dad hugged me without a word, then as he gave my hand to the man whom I am about to exchange vows with, he murmured "take good care of my baby," his voice so stern without an ounce of humor. "I promise sire!" the man confidently replied, bowing to my Dad.

Paulo made good on that promise and is doing so up until this very day. I realized over the years that even the wrong one can love me right. The journey with him has been joyful and amazing. And now, we are on to growing a lot older together as our only son Patrick is on to creating his own family too...

This is an original fiction inspired by how my mom and dad met and got married. The first edition which I wrote many months ago was a tale of Paulo and his wife, Diane on the early days of their marriage and this is sort of the continuation :)

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the story :) Cheers!

(Photos courtesy of Pexels.com and Pixabay as acknowledged above)


FarmGirl writes from their lil kingdom in the mountains of PH.
She is also on Read -o- Noise -o- Torum -o- Twitter

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