The Green Man & Time Stuff

We were on a walk along Session Road some time ago when I overheard something interesting:

"Come on over here. I'll tell you a secret," the Green Man was inviting the young gals. They must have been curious that they moved closer to him.

"Let's take a photo first," he continued and then they posed. Some of the passersby were quite amused and couldn't help but stare for a few moments. The others simply didn't mind and just went ahead on their way like they hadn't seen anything or anyone. Talk about being so focused.

And us? Well, we slowed down and paused for a while. We were not in a rush. I guess we wanted to observe or maybe we were quite mindful of what was going on around us at that particular place and time.

Can you perhaps guess what the Green Man said that made these young girls happy? A surprise might hit the wallet of anyone who guesses it correctly.😅

Meanwhile, it's Friday already up here in the mountains. That fast huh! The husband could not believe the week just went by like that and that our Anyeong seemed to be growing up so quickly. Not that his body is becoming bigger or that he's getting taller or so (he's of a small breed), but he's gotten a lot more energy compared to when we just brought him home.

"Well, you only feel that way just because you were away for 3 days!" I teased. He just came back home after spending a few days at his father's place.

I am in agreement with him though. I do feel that the days seem to go by in haste. The first month of the last quarter of the year is on the verge of bidding us goodbye, whew!

Anyhow, before I go rambling on with more nonsensical stuff, let me just share a few sunset scenes we had 10 days ago. It's been that long since we last witnessed a sunset from our yard.

The weather had been so playful that it often rained in afternoons. We are hoping today will be different, especially since the sun has been shining brightly since morning.

Happy Friday, frens! Let's follow our bliss today :)

Photos are my own. 27102023/11:06ph

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