Thank You, Twenty Two Three [2023]

Whew! So it's the last day of 2023, huh?


But while the year has gone so fast, I'd say that things have been pretty awesome in real life (IRL) and online. Some challenges provided the opportunity for learning, growth and much more.

And so before the year closes, I just like to do a quick look back of how my 2023 adventure has been.

✅ Connections

Being more of an introvert, I've never been great at making new connections. Fortunately, being on the blockchain somehow made it easier. Here, we meet awesome people with whom we share stuff that most of the time we can't even do IRL.

And for that, I'm taking this chance to thank all those who have made my Hive year and experience amazing. Salamuch! Gracias! Many thanks❤️

This space has truly opened up doors to many things like friendships, learning, growth, etc.

In real life, I have very few great friends and in the previous years, we seldom met to time constraints and other circumstances especially that they have kids. I am glad however, that 2023 was different because we got to spend time more often.

All good in that regard but could be better.

✅ Learning

I do believe in expanding our horizons and we can only do that by having an open mind to learn and adapt to changes. Sometimes we become so focused on one thing or two that we miss other opportunities out there.

This year's adventures IRL and onchain have been a source of learning. I engaged and dabbled in other blockchains. Even gambled on some sh*tcoins on Solana, lol!

No worries there, I lost some $$ (not from my own pockets, but from the profits made on memecoins). There's always something to learn!😅

✅ Stakes Growth [Hive]

It is no secret that building my stakes has been one of my goals. At some point, I even think it has become an obsession, lol! Well, I'm just convinced about the potential of this blockchain and the DApps in it so it mattered to me to grow my holdings.

Here's how the major ones are so far:

👉Hive Power

Started in the year with 7,486 HP and now ended it with 16,438. That's 120% growth in 12 months, so yay!

👉Leo Power

Initially planned on consolidating my Leo Power to my alt but eventually decided to build this account's LP too since it is what I'm actively using.

Anyway, the combined LEO staked in January was 7k. Today, it's 26,150 (23,150+3k), some 273% growth in a year which is quite amazing. I'm pretty chuffed.

Not sure how things are going to be in the coming year but I'm still keen on BUIDLing.

✅ Family

Our bond is still strong and despite health concerns (mom and my siblings), things have been good this year.

We welcomed new additions to the fam - a healthy grandkid was born this month and our little Anyongi whom we brought home over 3 months ago.

We are thankful as always.

Earlier today, the whole clan traveled some 7-8 hours away. We are now on another planet [kidding] and we're going to welcome 2024 here. And nope, I had this on draft and just tapped the publish button just in case you're thinking I'm in front of my computer right now. That would be rude, yeah?😅

Anyhow, here's to wish us all a fabulous and exciting 2024!

Photos are my own. 31122023/17:38ph

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