Relationships, Changes & Nostalgia

Yesterday while at our aunt's interment, we had a good time catching up with first cousins whom we hadn't seen in a long time. It's funny that while some of us live just hours away from each other and with the technology we have today, we seldom connect. Back when we were kids, we used to spend every family occasion with everyone in the clan - Christmas, graduation, birthday parties, picnics, and even trips to the beach.

There were times when whoever was taking a photo of us all together would have to go farther away to get everyone. It was fun those days, especially when our grandparents were still around. Extended families were also joining us then.

Well, things changed.

We grew older, we had different priorities, our grandparents passed away and everyone moved on, got so busy that while family get-togethers were initiated in the past, some were still unable to attend. One common reason was that most of us (cousins) settled down far away from each other (which wasn't an issue before with our parents who also lived far apart from their siblings yet they still met). Sad to say, but most of us (including our parents and their siblings), only get to meet during wakes or like yesterday, funerals.

That's the case not only on my maternal side of the family but also on my father's side. While our relationships are still good and not estranged, we just kind of slowly fell out of touch over the years. Unlike when we were younger, the usual annual reunions or gatherings are no more.

Some of my cousins didn't even know where one of our uncles lived and had never been to his house. It's forgivable understandable though because he and his family live in another region. We teased each other, all-knowing of our misgivings, and laughed things out afterward. Then we bade goodbye, each headed to their own homes. We did hope for a common thing - that our next meeting wouldn't be a funeral but something happy.

The husband and I were reflecting upon things on the way home. It occurred to us that our grandparents may have been the ones who kept our bond during those years. Things changed drastically when they were gone.

We couldn't help but wonder how things will be too when our niblings (nieces and nephews) will grow older and have their own families and priorities. While we often celebrate together these years and meet on most family occasions, we never know in the years to come, especially when our parents will no longer be around.

Would I and my siblings lose touch? Will the husband and his sisters do the same thing? Or the bond will continue as it is now? We agreed that only time will tell, for no matter how much we want to keep things the way they are today, changes will occur, things will happen, and we certainly do not have control over everything.

This reminded me of my group of best friends (4 of us) who some 20 years ago when we were all single, vowed to always find time to spend together over beer or Tequila, even when we were married and had kids. Guess what? We rarely meet and haven't had drinks for ages and the two are now overseas. Well, at least my BFF and I are seeing each other a few times each year.

It was nice to reminisce about those years when our families were a lot closer to each other despite the physical distances. When friendships were deeper, more real, and warmer. It brought some nostalgia and a heartfelt wish too - that what we have today with our siblings and best friends, will not fade and that the bond will remain strong as time passes by, no matter where life takes us, or the miles that may come between us.

Happy new week, everyone! May your relationships withstand the test of time and distance.😉

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Photo Credits: Athena / RDNE Stock project / Elevate

Nostalgic & Reflective Sunday. 17032024/20:30ph

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