It's the Climb

An old friend (who worked in town for over 22 years got promoted last year as the GM of a bank in the city) was telling me the other day of her struggles and predicaments. She wanted to resign because the pressure is getting too much but she also like to reach her 25th working year before she takes her early retirement. She would have to suck it in for another 2 years. She will be 46 by then but at least she won't have to work for 40 years in what she described as 'hellish heaven' whatever that meant, lol!

"What a price to pay to climb the hierarchy and for the sake of pension," she sighed heavily. "Well, you loved your job over the years or you wouldn't have lasted that long in it," I teased then congratulated her for her achievements. She shared that the weekends spell freedom for her.

It reminded me back when I was in the 9-5 hustle too where Saturdays and Sundays are days to look forward to because I become my own boss. Weekends allowed me to have lazy times and wasn't bothered when I woke up late. Like my old friend said, it spelt freedom. So while I no longer do the 40-hour work week, I can still relate with my friend's predicament.

"At least you went after your goals and dreams," I cheered her up. "Yep, my novel goals are now making me grow old fast!" she laughed hard. "Finish up your 2 years then come join us on Hive. I also make goals here but they keep me younger," I teased further. What a conversation that was! It was nice to catch up with her though.

Anyhow, speaking of goals, it's the weekend so time to check the numbers for our SSC weekly progress updates.

My current Hive Power is at 18,535 which means it grew by 167 HP in the last 7 days. The combined staked LEO on the other hand is at 29,192 LP indicating an addition of 70 during the week. And my HBD Savings is now 793 with 20 HBD added from the last update.

Week 13Week 14
Hive Power (HP)18,36818,535
Leo Power (LP)29,12229,192
HBD Savings775795

All good from how I see it.

And of course, the grind will continue as usual. Not putting a stop anytime soon. Have to keep the numbers climbing, albeit slowly. These yearly targets are like a kick in the arse and make me avoid becoming a total lazy fella, lol!

Meanwhile, the day has been unbearably hot that we stayed indoors. The little boy in the neighborhood came by around noon time wanting to play with my wee pup and gave me a good chuckle. He said it's very hot here these days so cobras and other snakes might be on their way to town already. He thinks they are migrating here.😁

What would you do when you see one? I asked. I will run fast to our house and lock the doors, he answered. Smart boy, yeah?

Anyhow, this is it for today. Have a terrific weekend!

Photo is my own. A miniature of a popular hiking spot here in our region. 06042024/20:15ph

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