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A Memory Fail and an almost Famous Success

We were supposed to have been having fish cakes. I remember making these ones in domestic science class at school. Standard 7 (year 9) in 1977. The ingredients: a tin of pilchards in tomato sauce and mashed potato.

It's a vivid memory, but not clear enough.

The ingredients are just about all I got right. The ratios were all wrong and I ended up with slop. It didn't taste bad and reminded me a little of the tuna bake of some five so years after 1977, so I came up with plan B:

Shared between individual bowls and topped with some oats and baked in the oven. With a salad, lots of freshly ground black pepper and sweet chilli sauce, it was quite edible.

Did that deal with my fishcake craving?


I will have to pay attention and try again.


I mentioned the other day that I would be baking bread again. The loaves I now do for the market. Besides needing the practise, I really, really don't want to go back to eating commercial bread. So.

This was Tuesday night. I had to get up early yesterday morning to put them in the oven: The Husband has a job outside the village, over a river (with no bridge) and needed to take lunch.

This is the best bread I have made (that we get to eat) yet.

Remember the great feedback feedback from the market? Well, now we know why. We had obviously not tasted those.

Again, I fiddled with the shape and scored after proving. Those were mistakes but didn't affect the texture and flavour, though.

One loaf is gone. In a day.

The Husband came home for more. Before lunch. And then had two more hunks when he got home in the evening. Now have to work out whether I need to make more before Friday. That's a feat in planning because the big market bread bake starts on Thursday. That's tomorrow.

Mother Ursula, my equipment mean that I'd need to start our bread today and bake it tomorrow, after feeding mother to ensure I have enough for a batch, and for the market bake.

And the interweb is full of what to do with discarded mother? I can't keep up!

Until next , be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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