Almost too much of a good thing

One from upstairs, the other from downstairs. One at sunrise, the other at sunset.

Weird and amazing clouds and light ahead of what, we are lead to believe is a very, very cold snap, and which kind of bookended my Monday.

In between

After Katie Caldesi's encouragement and having sold all the rolls at the market on Saturday, this is my second attempt at a loaf.

Better rising and better shape, this time. The same fabulous flavour.

As someone who was scared of making bread, let alone sourdough, because of time and kneading, I am learning that it's not the time, it's the timing and planning. As for the kneading, all one needs (ha!) is practise. It's helpful to use it as an opportunity to lovingly tear up, and pull at, some frustrations.

I'll be making more and will try to refrain from spamming my feed with my delight!


It seems an awfully long time since I shared a meat-free Monday meal. I don't suppose it was. I had thought I might do flatbreads, but having made bread earlier in the day, I was "breaded out". So to speak. Instead, couscous with roasted butternut, stir fried onions and capsicums on baby spinach. Accompanied by falafel balls and delicious two-tone hummus (roasted red pepper/beetroot) from my market buddy, Trish.

This is a meal that would be as good as a cold salad.

Just before supper, and as I was closing up the office, this was the scene:

With that happy Tuesday!

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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  • If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:
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  2. and "re-capturing" nearly two years' worth of posts.
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