Thoughts about our everyday habits

I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy - anonymous

Have you ever given attention to the things that you do in your everyday life? Did you know that our habits can ruin or make our life happier?

We have so many habits that we do every day but we are not paying attention if it can do something good to our body or if it can wear off not only our body but even our soul. Just take for example our habits of sleeping late. We all know that having a complete 8 hours of sleep is important and yet because of the things that entertain us we end up sleeping late, not only late actually but super late(guilty!). We ignore the reality that by doing we also jeopardize our mental, physical and emotional health.

Let me share with you some habits or ways that can help our lives better.

Simplify your life.

How can we simplify our life?

There are a lot of ways to simplify our life. Let's start with decluttering. Decluttering not only in our house or in our room but decluttering in our life. Clutter in our life means stress. To avoid stress we have to live simply which means reducing the number of choices that we make each day. Avoid toxic situations and people and start focusing on how we can make our life happy.

Having less stuff and fewer responsibilities and obligations can create more time and space for the important things that matter. Let's lessen our choices and focus on things that can make us happy. We can even spend more time with the people that we love and enjoy spending time with them.


Explore the outdoors.

Being stuck in the confines of our house makes our life boring and restless. Yes, that is what the pandemic did to our life but it doesn't mean that we cannot explore the outdoors anymore. There are so many things that we can do to explore the outdoors especially now that the lockdown is lifted.

Tending to your plants is one of them, being with nature is separating yourself from stress. So, go walk along the park with lots of trees or simply walk around the block and appreciate the beauty of the things around can brighten your life. Exploring the outdoors can also disconnect you from a stressful work environment and if you really want to be disconnected from all of these stressors, you may turn off your phone and enjoy a cup of coffee while watching the sunset.


There is nothing more beautiful than living at the present. Most of the time we are busy looking back at the things that we have done before or the people from the past that make us happy forgetting that it is already part of our past and that we cannot bring it back anymore. We forget that what's important is what's happening at the moment. Not the past, not the future but right now.

Make time to smell the roses, enjoy the aroma of that brewed coffee, smell that freshly baked bread, play with the pup that is longing for your attention, play with that kid that keeps on throwing you his ball, and appreciate the little things around you that can make you smile.

Live like a tourist.

We are happier when we are out somewhere. When we are out on a vacation. It's the time when we can be ourselves. It's the time when we escape the hustle and bustle of our daily life. It's the time when we explore, take risks, and enjoy life without worrying about the responsibilities that we left at work.


We don't need to be far away to live like a tourist. We can enjoy our weekend by creating a small vacay in the confines of our home. Set up a movie marathon with friends or embark on a creative vacay by signing up for an art class or maybe a baking class where designing of cakes is included. There are so many ways to recreate a vacation we just have to be creative to enjoy life.

Act of kindness.

This one is the easiest to do among all the habits. The best gift that we can give to other people may it be our loved ones or may it be a stranger. The beauty of it is we don't have to spend a cent to give this gift, and most happy people give this gift generously.

What are these gifts?

It's the gift of giving compliments, kind gestures, and a genuine smile. It's the gift of being true and honest. It's the gift of giving love.

These acts of kindness can make anyone happy, however, the one who benefits from giving this gift is the giver. Yes, the one who gives is much happier than the one who receives. The joy of knowing that you made someone happy is the best feeling in the world. It gives you the immense feeling of joy that cannot be bought with money.

You alone can make yourself happy but the best kind of happiness is when you make someone happy. It doesn't matter if you are young or old, what matters is you don't rely on other people for your happiness. Always keep a burst of sunshine in your pocket and keep on spreading love it's what the world needs now.


And if you've come this far... I hope that I was able to entertain you and made you smile... and for that Thank you.

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All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited
All photos are mine taken on a random day.

“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect to your own journey.” —S. McNutt

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