Lessons from my school of life

Lessons for my (grand)children
from my school of life


I don't have a kid of my own yet (and I'm not sure if I'll still have my own) but I am blessed with many nephews and nieces that I treat as my own. I guessed it is still qualified right? Anyway having a kid doesn't only mean you produced it, it could also mean that some kids out there are treating you like a family, or maybe respecting you like their own parents.

Anyway, let me go back to the real topic. There are a few lessons that I learned from my school of life, lessons that I want to impart not only to my future children or grandchildren (oh well, let's just pretend I'll have them soon since no one can predict what will happen next, LOL) but even to my nieces and nephews as well.

Since this is from my school of life, let me start writing my lesson plan.

Love the people around you but don't forget to love yourself more

While we are growing we are always thought to love the people that are around us, to respect people around us, it's always about the people around us. They never told us that it is also important to love ourselves more. And this time, I want to change it, I want them to learn that it is important to love themselves more. I want them to learn the importance of loving themselves first. I want them to learn that loving themselves and prioritizing themselves is not selfishness and that it is something that they can depend on when their support system is gone. I want them to learn to love themselves to be able to protect themselves from the people around them because not all the people around us love us as much as we love them.

I want them to learn how to identify the people who really care for them.

That will be the first on my lesson plan from my school of life. The bitter truth of life that wasn't shared with us while we are young.

Enjoy life to the fullest but don't forget to save.

I learned this the hard way...

I just enjoyed my life without saving thinking that I can earn it again and again. I didn't think about tomorrow thinking that my parents will always be there for me. I forgot that life has an expiration date and the time will come when I have to think about myself and that I have to stand on my own. I never learned the importance of savings until the time when my mom was gone. Yes, it is important to live our life to the fullest but it is also important to think about tomorrow. And I'll always instill this in the kids around me, whether they are my kids or not, I'll teach them the importance of having some for the future. I'll always teach and remind them of the importance of having money in their pocket, and that they have to spend wisely. It is ok to spend on the things that you like but it is more important to spend on the things that you need. And that you can still enjoy life even if you are saving.


Those two are the hardest lessons that I learned in life that I want to impart and instill in the kids around me, whether they are my kids or not, I want them to learn them while they are young. Of course, I want them to enjoy life to the fullest but I also want them to be responsible enough to think about their future as early as they can. Enjoying life also means saving for the future, it is not all about living in the now, it is about living in the now and planning for the future too. It's hard to enjoy life when your pocket is empty and it is also hard to enjoy life when you don't love yourself enough.

And this is my entry to the Silver Bloggers blog of the month

November theme: Lessons for my (grand)children from my school of life

As they say, lesson's learned from life are the best lesson that we can share with anyone. I hope I also impart to you the lessons that I learned.


And if you've come this far... I hope that I was able to entertain you and made you smile... and for that Thank you.

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“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect for your own journey.” —S. McNutt

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