Candies of life

Cupcakes are cute, candies are sweet but I would pick you as my favorite treat



Jennie Brown

I've been wondering about what makes life sweeter. What do we need to add to our life to make it sweeter, not that I'm saying that our life is bland and boring, it actually is sweet already I just want to make it a Lil bit sweeter by adding some more flavor to it. Yep, coffee makes life better, no question about that, coffee can actually solve anything but we need something to add more color to it.

I've read one time that craving for too much is sweets is connected with our emotions, and that it also means that we are lacking some sweetness in our life. But before we agree on this why don't we check first ourselves and see what's missing and check if cravings for sweet is really connected with our emotions.

Surround yourself with candy, not negativity
Positively present

Just like candies, without their flavor, it will just be sweet and nothing more, there will be no excitement in its taste. It will feel like you are just eating sugar and nothing more, I bet you wouldn't like that right? That is why they are adding flavors to make the taste more luscious, more appealing, and yummier. So going back to our topic, what are those flavors that we add in our life to make it more fun, livelier, and sweeter?

Let's talk about some simple things that we can do to make it sweeter.

Have that hot coffee with the one you love during breakfast.
Starting your day great is vital in our existence and it adds more colors if we spend our first hour in the morning with the people that are special in our heart. Making our morning out of the ordinary is like making our day extra special too.


Give someone that big big warm hug.
Hugging is good for our health at the same time it is also good for mental health. It boosts our heart health and it also reduces stress both to the giver and receiver. Hugs can make us happier and at the same time, it helps reduce our fears. And this is one of the best ways to show your love to those people around you.

Bring fresh flowers to your home.
Placing flowers around your room where you can see them has the ability to make your mood better and can brighten any sad room. It adds more appeal to any area you put it. Did you know that flowers never fail to make a person smile no matter how bad his/her day is? We don't have to buy it actually we can plant it in our own garden and make the whole house pretty and cheerful.


Ifrah Akhter

Put on some great music and dance.
Yes, play that song that can always make you want to dance and sway your body. Don't stop yourself and just enjoy every beat of it. Dance like no one is watching. Music can heal even the deepest pain that a person hides. So, go ahead and play that song and let your mind and body feel what it can do to you.

Take a long, warm bath with candles.
Light up that scented candle while you are taking your warm shower. The aroma of the candle can help you feel relaxed, calm, energized and help your brain get into a more productive mindset. Lavender scent help ease your mind and relieve stress. Eucalyptus scent helps you energize and improve focus while lemon scent can relieve anxiety and depression. I guess we all know what a warm shower can do to our mind and body right?

Write your journal.
Writing a journal gives us a lot of benefits and one of them is they keep our thoughts organized. They keep our memory sharp and bring out the creativity in us that we thought we never had. It makes you in tune with your health and your inner needs and desire. It also evokes mindfulness and helps you remain present while keeping your perspective. And writing your journal makes you true to yourself too, that's the best part of writing your journal.


Go out and walk in the park.
What’s not to like about walking? It’s free. It’s easy to do, and it’s easy on the joints. You can do this any time of the day. And there’s no question that walking is good for you. And aside from that, it gives you chances to meet new people, appreciate the beauty of nature and be able to observe different walks of life.

These are only a few of the simple things that we do every day that makes our life sweeter, These are what I called the candies of life. I can still add a lot more to this list but they are just samples of simple things that we can do to make our life sweeter, as I said earlier they are just flavors of life or we can also say spices of life that we can do every day to brighten up our day or someone else's day. Don't let your day pass without these candies of life, life is sweet if we have cakes but it is sweeter with candies that are shared with the people around us.


And if you've reached this far... thank you, thank you for your time reading my wee article.

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February 7, 2022

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