Moments That Matter The Most!

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This is in response to an initiative of @ericvancewalton, to make us walk down memory lane and relive those moments long gone, keeping them alive for our future generations.

Here's the link

In a year from now you’ll have a legitimate memoir that you can pass along to future generations of your family. But what I really hope is it provides a valuable glimpse into your inner self.

What simple pleasures of life do you truly enjoy?

My answer:

The old reclining sofa creaks as my weight settles comfortably on it. It has seen so many years and weather, its fabric faded and almost threadbare in some places, its cushions softened by countless evenings of use. Sometimes it looks forlorn all there by itself on my balcony, weathering the storms and the scorching sun alone, but no matter what, I can sense its smile whenever I'm home and I can 'see' it always in the way it welcomes me with open arms. I sit on it most evenings to watching sunsets go by. I reflect on a lot as the Skies paint their vivid picture of vibrant colours, this is Sunset, ethereal, magical Sunset going down in its grand style and I am mostly enamoured by it. Who wouldn't be caught up in such awesomeness? This is the golden hour and I particularly love the colour mix of yellow, orange, fiery red and above all, the positive energy it exudes.
Watching the Sun dip below the horizon reminds me of very simple things that bring comfort and calm into my life.
I bet you simple pleasures do not get much simpler than this!

The question genuinely brought a smile to my face because I have come to understand that simple pleasures are actually what slices of happiness are made of. They do not cost money to enjoy them, they are the free gifts of life just there for the taking!

But you know sometimes when times are difficult and the going, tough, it becomes hard to calm one's mind of its worries. Simple pleasures can be very rewarding in that it continues to help me find that 'calm zone' for my inner peace and health.

For me simple pleasures cannot get simpler than these;

Getting in bed when its raining hard and stormy outside. I fall asleep so hard and love it so much, there's no amount of anxiety that can take sleep away or withstand this kind of weather, it is my sleep elixir.

Listening to the birds chirp merrily in the trees just before Sunrise. I find complete peace with Nature, doing this.

I love playing with water. I remember jumping in puddles as a child, to swimming in the stream and then in the pool as an adolescent, to enjoying a glass of wine in the Jacuzzi as an adult.... Hahaha I don't know if I can outgrow this one!

Clean, Fresh bed linens on my bed. I think I'm obsessed with this one. I love it when the bedsheets are crispy and clean with the smell of my favourite detergent, I love the tranquil I feel when I tuck into a well made bed with no creases or wrinkles...yes , clean, fresh and cool against my skin. The pleasure is simply extraordinary!

Watching people pass by as I sit in an obscure corner. I see a tapestry of humanity, people of all sizes, shapes and age, each having a unique expression on their faces– melancholic, joyful, contemplative, meditative and even bland, all portraying the activity within. As I drift from person to person, I'm able to unconsciously take a reading of the pulse of the people in my immediate environment. This is fascinating for me.

Scribbling down my thoughts, writing or telling an Interesting story–I love it when my story, oral or written mesmerizes my audience and draws them into my make-believe World.

The First Sip of water when I'm really very thirsty, and then gulping down greedily the ice-cold glass is just sheer bliss.

Reminiscing About Old Times is one of my favourite pasttimes.

Is it not said that 'the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime'. It's a beautiful moment when I go into the archives to dig out those greatest memories of my life.

Watching movies and listening to good music is one of those pleasures.

Spending time with my children tops the list. Watching them grow from tottering toddlers to the young man and woman they have become gives me immense pleasure. I cherish deeply the memories and the bond we share.

In conclusion, simple pleasures are at our finger tips and so within reach, I once jokingly told a friend that if I can't afford a trip to the Bahamas (my dream holiday country), I might as well bring Bahamas down to my home... Hehehehe. Look around for those little pleasures around you, they might not be as grand as an adventure but they can bring you some joy and fulfilment.

Thank you @ericvancewalton for this noble initiative. 😊

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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