Jealousy Destroys Relationships, Be They Friendships or How Old

Hi threespeak and Hive friends.

The questions posed by @ericvancewalton for this week's Memoir Monday 25. [ Have you ever lost a friendship that meant a lot to you? ]

Today's topic is special and we must have seen such things in our life because it is a fact that after the change of time many people see us changing faces so I am sharing a story of mine to all of you people. I am going to share with you my childhood days in school,

We used to study together in school and it is true that our friendship was for a long time and we spent all our lives with each other and then after that when we became young and we began to understand the world, how this world works and here no one can see anyone succeeding,

Why can't we see what is the reason behind it, wise people say that when relationship later on, if the heart ends, then this relationship should be ended, otherwise they will give you nothing but trouble. If there are no good things, then this friendship had a special value and value for us, but when this became known,

We thought it best to end it. Jealousy and jealousy are the things that destroy the relationship and especially when it is such a close relationship, if this thing gets into it, then things are completely destroyed and this is a fact and ablution. They used to say that when it happens like this, it is better to end the relationship,

Otherwise the time spent together gives a lot of trouble and then the whole life is spent in trouble and tension that we are not good with this person. They were walking, they were having a good time, so why did this person change? This is because when two people are living together for seven lives and one is successful and the other is not, then the relationship is damaged.

We have seen in some friendships that money is not important and those friendships continue like this for the rest of their lives, but in some places this kind of meeting spoils everything and in the long run. Relationships also end, if these relationships are not cut off or reduced, they become mental torture and we think about them,

We were good to them, why did they do wrong to us? It was like this from childhood till now we used to sleep together and we used to be many friends and our relationship was very strong and after studying school and college together we saw that things are starting to change now. And after completion of education,

Every person now behaves in such a way that in the future he has to earn money, so it is a fact that when you work hard, your luck will definitely reward you and but people absolutely they don't want it in this way, they just keep thinking that why this person has a car and thinking these things harms the other person who takes that thing with the hard work of his whole life and because of this later.

I also have a lot of anxiety, so it is better to end such a relationship and spend my life with people who think well of us, who can help us in our bad times, and the fact is that if friendship is to be tested, such a statement can be tested by how our friend behaves towards us when bad times come upon us.

This is exactly what we see in our relatives when you become more successful than them, they are not at all happy with your progress and this is human nature and that is how the world works. You should end all contact with such people because such people will never be happy with your progress, so you will once again start having problems in life,

So contact with jealous people. It should not happen like some families are living together in joint family and one family becomes successful then she doesn't think good of other family at all now she says that they are successful now they are rich. It shouldn't be like that. When there are strong things in a relationship,

It doesn't need money and people respect each other. If there is no jealousy, the relationship goes well. We see that when they leave that house, things start to change even more and they stop seeing each other.

These relationships have a lot of importance remember they are always there but then the way they have done to us then after remembering all the things they change after things change and then again time. Also changes and new relations are formed, after some time they are remembered but it is better to live among those people who are happy with our progress and pray for us.

When we meet, we give prayers and give respect and after that when we leave there, the same people are doing our bad things, so we have to stay away from such people in life so that our happiness remains happy and in the same way she goes on, if we go along with such people, we will never be successful because such people can never see another person succeeding and that is what they try to do.

Always be poor and live like this. Breaking up a long relationship is definitely painful but when the truth comes out and the truth comes out then that pain goes away and when marriage happens and new things happen in life things change a lot and old things don't get time to think about and nice things start to happen, new friends are made and life changes.

The place we went to is the oldest in our city. In terms of pizza, there were not so many shops here before, eight or ten years ago. We also remember when we used to eat pizza from them eight years ago and now there is a test there, so now we have made a plan to visit this shop once again. It has many branches in our country and their taste is delicious, the price is low, so such a place is always selected which is beautiful and the price is low,

Because every person can't afford expensive things anymore due to inflation, this is one of our hotels which since when is it running here and the owner is also nice who is serving good food to people in low price it is located in a special place which is the most popular place in our city. It is always an effort to grow this kind of place and share the experience of how people are living here today.

Every human being is worried, so we are seeing exactly the same things here, people are not earning as much money as their monthly expenses, so people are living in trouble and life, and this is what we pray for. The time will be good and inflation will be low so that people can raise their children well and live a good life, and then you can see here that they have done the decoration well too.

Beautifully designed so that the people who come here can enjoy the environment and that's the point of going to such a special place in the evening after spending the whole day at home, the aim is to release the worries and enjoy. The furniture they ordered here was also imported from other cities and the more good things are provided to run the business the more popular the business will be because people like to have a place like this where they can find them.

Something unique is found. Now how we see on the walls nowadays very special type of paintings and posters are put up, which increases the beauty of the place a lot, so here they have done the same. It happened and here they were also providing delivery facility and it is a fact that delivery work is not easy rain or shine it has to be done in any situation because the people who give orders say that our order should be delivered quickly.

It is known that the weather is bad but they still say that if the degree is to be given on time then this thing is very wrong. Such people should understand. The one who is giving the order is also a human being and he comes to you after a long journey to give the order. A friend of mine is also doing this work, so he is also very worried, so all people will pray for him.

To get rid of his troubles he tells all these stories about how the duty boy is harassed and when he reaches there these people do not respect at all and disrespect him so bad with such people too. It will be because they are doing evil to a human being.

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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