Tiredness, Shortcut Temptations, and Doing a "Proper Job," Anyway - 2000th Hive Post!

I'll be the first to admit that perfectionism occasionally rears its somewhat UN-charming head in my life.


Now, I'm not exactly obsessive about doing things perfectly so much as unwilling to take shortcuts and do a half-assed job, even when I feel extremely tired and just want to take the easy way out.

I'm feeling really tired right now because we were up at oh-dark-thirty this morning, packing up the truck and getting ready to go set up at the arts and crafts markets I mentioned in my post, a few days ago.

The temptation, of course is to just post a couple of pictures, hit "publish" and head off to bed.

But that just doesn't seem like a right thing to do.


This is my 2000th Hive Post, You See!

We actually had a pretty decent day at the little vent we went to!

It's always nice when you put in a lot of effort to get something done, and the end result is that there actually a reward for it. This was a new show in our annual calendar, and we weren't really too sure what to expect.

We go again tomorrow, from Around 11:30 till post-show breakdown starting at 5:00pm.

It's quite a lot of work to through the process of basically creating a "mini store" in some location, setting it all up, vending for a couple of days, breaking it all back down at the end and coming home.


But it's something we do — and quite gladly 3 so we can continue to live "the creative life" rather than being forced to go work at some menial job for a soulless company!

So what does this have to do with "doing a proper job?"

Like all things, we could put a lot less effort into the events we participate in, and probably "scrape by OK," but neither Mrs. Denmarkguy nor I consider "scraping by" to be the sort of impression we want to leave on the the world.

Similarly, I just didn't feel right about taking a shortcut with this evening's blog post... even though I certainly could have, and I expect most people would have understood why, and been OK with it.


But the thing is that we each have to be "OK" with putting our name on whatever amount of effort and creativity we expend at any given time.

Besides, the passage of 2,000 top level posts since I started on Hive should be "celebrated" with something other than a shitpost!

But frankly? I'm really damn tired right now... so it's time to head off to bed, rather than continuing this semi-incoherent ramble!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Sunday!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2023-02-11 22:56 PST


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