Some Days Are More Bleah Than Others!

Today has been one of those days... where I woke up this morning with the idea that I was going to get all kinds of stuff done, and that today I would be super productive... and now it is very late at night and I'm about to go to sleep with the feeling that I didn't actually get anything at all done today!


Ever have a day like that? And if you do have days like that, does it just knock the wind right out of your sails... even though you can legitimately say that you "did nothing?"

Of course, I'm not fond of doing paperwork at the best of times and today was a day on which I had to do a bunch of paperwork.

Today was also a day on which a number of the websites I retrieved aforesaid paperwork from seemed to be having "technical issues," thereby extending tasks that normally should take maybe three minutes to complete a download to instead turn into a frustrating nightmare of 30 to 90 minutes. Several times over.


On top of that, we also had horrendous weather with extremely high winds and the imminent threat of winter right around the corner.

That's all fine and good when you're sitting at home in your nice cozy house with heat and all that stuff but around here high winds are always something that fills us with a certain sense of foreboding dread because there's a good chance in our heavily wooded neck of the woods (see what I did there?) a tree or a branch is going to fall on the power lines and we're going to sit in the dark for a while. And then you can really not get anything done.

Thankfully, it turned out that the lights only flickered a few times but they didn't actually go out. Thank goodness for small favors!


However, one delay and mishap led to another and before I knew it it was getting on for dinnertime and it felt like nothing had been done.

"What did you do today?"

Oh, I sat and waited for technology designed to save us time...

And then I encountered several other delays that required me to update and redo a bunch of work that I'd already done and that ate a couple of hours off the clock and now it's after midnight and it seems like the entire day went by in a blur but absolutely nothing got done!

And yes, sometimes this blog is just a good excuse to have a griping session!


One bright spot in the day, however, was that a friend of ours who has a very popular health and spirituality podcast decided that she wanted to talk about my mandala painted stones on her webcast. Which could be the gateway I need to finally get my online sales going. So let it be known that I don't just overlook the good things when they come along!

Thanks for stopping by and putting up with my bitch session here and I will be back with some more appropriate content tomorrow! In the meantime have a great remainder of your week!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2024-01-10 01:10 PST


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