Reflection: On Goals, Intentions and How Life Often Throws us "Curveballs"

It is said that "The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions."

Whereas I have always through that old truism is pretty much on the mark, there's also something about it that has always felt a little off.


Let's be real: Every day, we likely have a lengthy list of "things we need to take care of," which means that we intend to do those. But when we fail to, it's often not became we wavered, or got distracted, but because we quite simply ran out of day in which to deal with our list.

So I sat down and sorted through my "intentions," and came to the realization — although I pretty much already knew this — that I often have no time at all in my life for anything that resembles "intentions;" all I have time for are essentials and the "things that are about to catch on fire."

Armed with this "insight," I decided to informally poll a few friends and acquaintances, most of whom are — like myself and Mrs. Denmarkguy — self-employed.


Perhaps the old saying "misery loves company" could be applied here, but it didn't take me long to ascertain that the vast majority of the world — at least in our circles — only get to actually do a small fraction of the things we want to or wish we could do.

Perhaps this is a reflection of the fact that we often tend to chew off more than we can actually chew, metaphorically speaking, when it comes to outlining and planning what's unfolding in our world.

I can say things like "I INTEND to write a blog post every day" till I'm blue in the face, but the reality of our lives is that I'll be lucky if I find the time and energy to write something on 250 of this year's 366 days. Yes, 2024 is a Leap Year...


Perhaps there are people who live withOUT intentions; people who simply keep to the essentials and never stick their nose into things that can't be accomplished with 100% certainty.

I expect they are likely people who would never "waste time" with an entertaining diversion and "hobby" such as a blogging on Hive!

I roll over that life they might have in my mind, and think it would be very boring and definitely not very "creative" to live like that. Saying those words, I also recognize that there are many people on the planet who done give a rat's hind end about such things as creativity. They are purely "practicalists." They have very structured and fixed goals and ambitions, and never even think about things that deviate from the straight and narrow path they have laid out for themselves.


Which, I suppose, leads me back to the reality that I would rather have a bunch of "intentions" (because they keep me interested in life!) and periodically complain about not getting to them... than just live strictly within the framework of absolute reality and functionality.

So... Here's to many good intentions!

Thanks for visiting, and have a great Friday!

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Created at 2024-01-12 00:37 PST


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