Out and About: Sometimes It's Just Too Peopley Out There!

Mrs. Denmarkguy and I piled in the car today to take a trip to our neighboring town to go shopping.

The interesting — and sometimes inconvenient — thing about our weird little seaside city is that there are no "chain stores" here, at all. Something to do with it being a "historic seaport."


Of course, we chose to undertake this endeavor on a Saturday, which tends to be busier... but so what? There were things we needed to get, ahead of out daughter's wedding, coming up on November 11th.

Perhaps because it is also the weekend before Halloween, it was extremely busy in the neighboring town... which is about 25 miles (40km) from here.

Having lived somewhat in isolation for a couple of years — partially on account of Covid-related lockdowns — it sometimes surprises me just how many people are in the world... and they all seem to be out and about, doing things.


I generally avoid Walmart at all costs, but there are certain "staples" we needed, and WallyWorld is substantially cheaper than our local in-town stores for most of those... and in these challenging economic times, we can ill afford to spend the extra dollars just in service of "not supporting the evil empire."

When you're just flat broke most of the time, "protesting" big corporate organizations by not shopping there is just not part of the picture.

Whereas I definitely have preferences, I'm not going to go hungry in support of those preferences. I expect that probably holds true for a lot of people in this country...


Made me pause and consider how we often talk about "crypto changing the world" here in Hivelandia... but I also wonder how long it will take before that happens... supposing that it actually will happen.

Let's face it, it took a good twenty years before we could really say that the Internet had reached "saturation," meaning that pretty much everyone was using it.

Of course, I also find myself wondering just how crypto will "change the world," in a world where various major currencies are as much a part of people's daily landscapes as something like Amazon or Facebook.

Will we even recognize that iteration of crypto? I have to wonder.


Anyway, returning back home after about five hours "out and about" reminded me not only how peopley they world is, but also how exhausted I get when I have to to navigate crowded places.

I have no issues with social anxiety not do I have a fear of crowds... it's just that they make me feel emotionally drained and exhausting.

I say that, of course, about to take a major part in our daughter's wedding... which — even if it's a joyous occasion — will also be very peopley. And no doubt also exhausting...

And such is life!

Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your Sunday!

How about YOU? Do you sometimes find the world "too peopley?" Or do you really enjoy the crowds, and feel energized by them? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


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Created at 20221029 23:58 PDT


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