Midweek Musings: What a World in Which We Live!

As I came home from the shops yesterday evening, I stopped by the cluster of mailboxes near the entrance to our neighborhood to pick up our mail. Something seemed a little different... then I noticed that the big blue "outgoing mail" box was gone.


Whereas it was not quite as large as the normal blue USPS mail drop boxes, it was still a large "drive up" style box, anchored to the ground with a steel plate and I-bar steel post. It was pick enough that I was able to drop off my smaller outgoing eBay packages in it.

It was sad... I guess it was yet another sign of "service cutbacks." It's a 7-mile drive to post office in town.

So this morning we got an email from the neighborhood association office... and evidently the mailbox had been STOLEN!

In a sense, that is even sadder. The "good word" from the local police was that most likely the culprits were looking for checks in people's outgoing mail... not to steal those, but to use the check account numbers and routing numbers to forge new checks that would be used to criminally buy high dollar merchandise for other people's account.



Due to ever-rising prices, we decided to cancel our mail order "subscription" to kitty litter... it was $22.95 at the beginning of the year, and there was no sales tax because it came from out of state. It is now $31.99 PLUS tax, because of new regulations on sales taxes.

No big deal, right?

As yet another example of "how to get gouged," I discovered that there was no place on the web site to cancel a monthly subscription!

So... we're just supposed to keep wanting this stuff in perpetuity. even though you've made four price increases in 2022, already? Not bloody likely!


Meanwhile... People Behaving Badly...

So, this afternoon, Mrs. Denmarkguy was having a message exchange with a friend of ours who has been having severe financial difficulties for a couple of years, even as a medical doctor. After closing her clinic, she moved out of the country for a while, then came back to our state a couple of months back.

She managed to find a good job with a mobile clinic and was happy.

But then — by some strange stroke of misfortune — one of her former employees happened to apply for a job at the same mobile clinic, and upon learning that our friend worked there, told a bunch of lies... evidently because she was still angry that the old clinic had closed and she'd been out of a job.

Short version, our friend lost her nice job... not because of anything she'd done, but because the mobile clinic said they "just didn't want the drama of personal vendettas" in their workplace!


What's the World Coming To?

Maybe I'm just tagging myself as an Olde Pharte here, but what the hell is the world coming to?

I mean, this was all just one day's news, and it didn't seem like all that unusual a day. In a sense, it just all seemed to re-enforce why I have mostly hermit-like tendencies. I just don't want to be part of all that garbage!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your week!

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Created at 20221027 00:25 PDT


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