Finding Time for Everything: Life is a Compromise!

I haven't had much time for blogging recently because there's so much other stuff that needs to get done. Seems like there always is!


It got me to thinking about how much of life is actually a compromise of sorts. You choose one thing, as a result of in which you don't get to choose another. And if you have many interests you often find yourself faced with the situation that you simply don't have enough time on your hands to get everything you want to do done.

And that's pretty much what the last few days have been about, around here!

We have an arts and crafts show this weekend, and I still have to work and make a living, and I just don't have enough time for a whole bunch of things that also need to get done... like bills that need to be paid and blog posts that need to be written!


Ultimately, I suppose the "solution" is to have less stuff on your plate. But how do you do that, in today's modern world where it seems like everything you even look at requires you to engage in more things rather than fewer things?

Almost seems like an impossibility, doesn't it?

Conventional wisdom says that we should "set priorities" and choose those things which are most important to us. But in many cases, that is actually a luxury of sorts. We we may not be able to just choose what we want because after all we have to be able to pay our way through life, and sometimes that requires us to actually - somehow - find time for all the things that we're dealing with.

Not entirely sure how that's supposed to work...


There have actually been many times in my life when I seriously considered the possibility that the only way to live with some measure of quiet would be to downsize to something akin to a glorified garden shed, where overhead would be so minimal that working 20 hours a week could actually be feasible.

Yes, I am really that lazy!

Not that I ever did move into a shed, mind you... although I was homeless for a spell.

Maybe it's society that's messed up, instilling in us this idea that "we must have everything," even though that doesn't actually afford us any real long term happiness.


In the meantime, I just hope this weekend's event will bring us a bit of extra cash for the Holidays!

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2023-12-06 01:05PST


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