Day Trip: Getting Away From the Technology

Up and at 'em early today, taking a day away from the usual routine.

Friend of ours - who's a bit of a science and technology geek - wanted to show us some Tesla coil related stuff at a friend's house on nearby Whidbey Island.

View from our friend's porch

Around here, we can't go far without having to take a ferry. This part of western Washington is full of islands and inlets and bays and Washington state has the largest public ferry system in North America.

So we did what many people do. We parked the truck at the local ferry terminal, took the ferry across - about a 35 minute crossing - and our friend picked us up on the other side of the water.

We're blessed with an unusually beautiful and sunny day for midwinter in this part of the world, with barely a breeze and the temperature already getting close to 60° in early afternoon.

Front yard guardian!

Mrs. Denmarkguy is far more interested in the whole healing with esoteric technology angle than I am... so I'm mostly just along for the ride. It feels good to be away from the clamor of email and eBay and clients with editing crises.

I thought about turning this into a "Wednesday Walk" type post... but we're not really walking so it's just going to be a peaceful update.

One of my favorite things about being "away" is that it gives my mind and brain a chance to slow down enough that I can pause and reflect on life... without endless interruptions.

View out across the shipping lanes, with the ferry arriving

Our lives seem to be so ridiculously busy nowadays that we barely have time to stop and catch our breath. But worse than that is the fact that it leaves less and less time to do things we freely choose to do.

How did we get to this point? And why are we even OK with it?

It would be tempting to make a sweeping statement like "the world is falling apart" but I'm more inclined to think the world is merely changing. What I have come to think of as "Always On Culture" has become prevalent to such a degree that our opportunities to simply unplug are all but nonexistent.

Clouds on the horizon

I watched it a bit during the 8 weeks or so our 34-year old son was living with us. He'd wake up, plug into his gaming world, and stay connected for 14-16 hours straight, day after day. He was barely aware of the external world...

Today, I'm grateful for that external world, for squawking sea gulls, ferry rides and being away from the "noise."

Thanks for stopping by and have a great remainder of your day!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2024-02-07 14:45 PST


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