Welcome Home Huxley - A New Journey Begins


And Just Like That ..

A new journey begins.. A year without hearing the pitter patter of paws, the barks at the front door, looking over and seeing a precious little fur baby lying on the couch or laying next to us in bed, no one for us to come home to and speak with endlessly about the trials and tribulations of our days without judgment, no unlimited unconditional love being given to us every single day.. and the list goes on and on. We were ready to start a new chapter. My wife more than myself was ready to add to our family once more. But in my own way I was also wanting to start a new journey.

And So Ot Begins..

Meet Huxley, our new tiny, baby boy!


Huxley was born on July 23, 2024 In New York. We adopted little Huxley into our family on September 15th. We drove up to get him and brought him home.. Home to his forever home. He was much smaller than we expected him to be. At 8 weeks old, weighing in at just over a pound. He is coming up on 11 weeks old come Tuesday of next week. He will weigh almost 2 pounds now. He's a little guy! We expect him to grow to about Molly's size, which will be roughly 7 to 8 pounds. We wanted another tiny Shih Tzu, and that's what we got.


Huxley Immediately found a spot in our hearts that we had set aside for a new family member. it wasn't very hard to love him from first sight. He is so cute, so tiny, but has quite the personality already. It's only been about 20 days since we picked him up, but already it feels like we've spent a lifetime with him. We love him so so so so much! He's definitely different than Molly and Pepper already. Both his looks and his personality are quite different. My wife and I wanted a dog that was different than Molly and pepper so we weren't reminded every day of our loss. This might sound weird, but we didn't want the reminder so we picked out a dog That was a little different. Huxley is a liver colored dog. We're hoping that the deep rust color will stick with him but there's a good possibility he will lighten up. Time will tell. Either way he is too cute for words. We were immediately attracted to his green eyes and tiny brown nose.


As this new adventure begins .. I Cannot wait to write about him and share our experiences with Each of you. I would like to say Huxley would show interest in orchids and silver, trips to the vineyard, rides in the Jeep, trips to Lancaster and my parents in Ocean City Maryland… But he is his own little being. If I had to take a guess I would say he would be interested in anything we are interested in. I have a good strong feeling he's going to like the jeep. Jury is out on silver and orchids. Right now he's into eating everything and I don't want him eating any of my silver or my Orchids. Hahaha. One day when he is ready I will introduce him to those things.

Happy Wife, Happy Life


Sorry for the delay.. In Introducing Huxley to HIVE. Our time has been limited being where slowly puppy proofing our home again, learning his personality, and potty training. Oh my gosh I forgot how tough it is to have a puppy in the house again. Eating Schedules, pooping schedules, sleeping schedules, schedule schedule schedules. It's been tough, But we are surviving. We are making progress with all of the above. I think Huxley is going to be just fine, and so are we. We can't wait to see where this journey takes us.

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I suppose I'll wrap it up here.. I was excited to share this news with you guys for a while. I have a little time this afternoon while he sleeps and I anticipate the Phillies playing The Mets in a few minutes. I figured I would take this moment to introduce everyone to our little Huxley. Rest assured I will keep you posted as his little life evolves. Lots of firsts again.. Like his first veterinary appointment (sorry Hux). That'll be fun.

Just one piece of advice, if you stop by to meet Huxley while he's still a puppy.. watch your feet. He likes biting toes! (actually watch everything you bring into the house. He bites and chews absolutely EVERYTHING)


I apologize for my ugly feet.

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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