Between The Living And The Forgotten


A tale of an old Rhododendron plant I stumbled upon many years ago. While exploring an old forgotten area, once alive with the hustle and bustle of life, I happened upon a tiny old soul of a plant. How it got there, I have no clue.. But it seems to happy to disturb. Some things are best left alone, to one day be discovered by another nature lover, like myself.

If You Want To Go Looking For Her, She Can Be Found On A Bridge ..

Between The Living And The Forgotten


In the quietude of forgotten tales .. A natural bonsaied rhododendron weaves its silent saga upon a rotted wooden bridge beam, a living testament to the dance between resilience and time. There, where the echo of footsteps has long faded, this arboreal enchantress stands with grace, cradled by the decaying embrace of weathered wood. Beside her roots, old rusty nails, once guardians of planks that led to distant wanderings, now rest as artifacts of a bygone era, their purpose fulfilled, their echoes lost to the whispers of the breeze.


Three distinct branches .. Like slender fingers reaching towards celestial mysteries, stretch from the rhododendron's heart. Each limb, a poet's verse in the arboreal sonnet, dances in the dappled sunlight, casting shadows upon the mossy timeworn stage. Exposed roots, like ancient secrets unveiled, sprawl and intertwine with the remnants of the bridge, forging an unspoken alliance between the living and the forgotten.


Above the weathered beams .. The bridge spans over an old pond, a reflective canvas of memories veiled in emerald algae. The pond, once a mirror to fleeting skies, now cradles the bonsaied rhododendron's reflection, a living portrait framed by the passage of years. Here, time pauses, and the rhododendron's roots sip from the stories held in the murky waters, a symbiosis of life and decay, an ode to the enduring spirit of nature. In this quiet symphony, the rhododendron thrives as a guardian of the bridge, a guardian of whispers and a keeper of tales untold.


As the seasons weave those kaleidoscopic tales .. The rhododendron's petals blush with hues of sunrise and sunset, an ephemeral ballet upon the stage of weathered wood. The bridge, now a vessel of life and quiet beauty, carries the weight of stories untold, cradling the bonsaied rhododendron like a precious secret shared between the earth and sky. In this miniature masterpiece, nature celebrates the resilience of life, finding poetry in the most unexpected corners of existence.


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Three limbs stretch skyward,

Rhododendron blooms whisper,

Nature's ballet dance.

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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