"Is this a Theme of the Week What’s with your name? Unfortunately, I made some mistake, and the message was not in the Silver Bloggers community, but in my blog. I don’t know how to fix that mistake."

Contest "Theme of the week"/What's with your name?/ Story of @bartolomee

Hello, my friends!

I’m such a lazy Silver crow!

Again until almost the last day could not write «homework» on the theme of the Week about its «silver» name 😀

I used to make up all sorts of excuses.

I have a lot to do... I am disturbed by summer heat...

But I kind of sat down to write my post on a theme. Thank God!

So, in the Silver Bloggers Community, I chose the name «Silver Crow».

Actually, that name came into my head unexpectedly and spontaneously.

I must think carefully before choosing a name.

Some interesting name, like Silver Lady from Russia. Or Silver Loner... 😀

Well, now it’s Silver Crow.

I’ll tell you why I chose that name.

I am a «white crow» since childhood...

«White crow» - such a nickname can be given to people who in their behavior differ from the main mass of other people.

We all know that there are black crows or gray crows in nature.
Photograph source

Photograph source

And white crows are albinos. Crows with such an unusual white feather are born very rarely!

I read that in a large flock of crows, whites are considered outcasts - they are not accepted into the pack.

White crows are always kept apart from black ones.

They are lonely.

In the world of people, there are cases.

Sometimes a person has a behaviour, a way of life or a system of values that differ from those generally accepted in society.

Then people around you often don’t understand such an unusual person.

And it is often called «the white crow».

Then people around you often don’t understand such an unusual person.

And it is often called «the white crow».

Since childhood I have been such a «white crow».


I had very few girlfriends - I didn’t like big, noisy kids' companies.

Nellie’s friend and her little sister are my two favorite little hand-to-hand friends.


All the teenage girls my age loved to go to the dance.

And I hated all the dancing... I thought it was a stupid thing to do, to twitch under the music.

Honestly, I didn’t even know how to dance well...

Since the dances felt constrained and couldn’t relax to dance to the rhythms of music...

I also never used makeup or makeup.

And now I don’t dye my eyelashes or my lips at all.

My face is always natural, without any paint))

To the noisy companies of teenagers as a child I preferred solitude.

I went to the sea alone (we lived on the coast of the Caspian Sea) and looked at the waves.

Or read a book in silence...

I loved my father very much... We often went away together in the steppe.

I chased gophers, picked steppe flowers or mushrooms.

Such a solitary childhood I had!

What is not a «white crow» among peers?

And when I grew up and became an adult woman, I chose not a female profession! 😉

I wasn’t looking to be a salesman, an accountant, or an office secretary.

No! I’ve been in government for a long time! Where men usually work!

In the internal affairs agencies, I was an investigator in the police.

Investigated criminal cases. Interrogated criminals. Helping other police officers.

I also worked in court - I was a bailiff!

I was looking for men who hid from their ex-wives and didn’t pay them alimony 😀

This is the kind of interesting job I had when I was young...

Not all women become police and court officers...

Therefore, I again «white crow»...

The second reason. Why did I choose this name - «Silver crow»?

I just love those birds so much!

Crows have very high intelligence among other birds!

It’s interesting to watch them - crows together looking for food in the city.

How they protect their chicks from the cat.

How crows work things out and fight.

They say a baby crow can be taught to speak.

Crows are very interesting and clever birds!

Therefore, I will wear my name with pride and fun «silver crow»!

Photograph source



Contest "Theme of the week"/What's with your name?/ Story of @bartolomee

This is a cross post of @bartolomee/contest-theme-of-the-week by @bartolomee.

Is this a Theme of the Week What’s with your name? Unfortunately, I made some mistake, and the message was not in the Silver Bloggers community, but in my blog. I don’t know how to fix that mistake.

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