How I Gain Success on Hive, these are my tips

Hai Hiverr Silver Bloger


Never give up fighting for success, because success is always one step away.

I once failed and now I can achieve my dream.Once upon a time, I fell and fell into trouble. My business went bankrupt and I had to close my record store. All sectors of my economic resources have been vacuumed.

I have to walk alone when trouble strikes. I also lost faith and no one else helped. The most painful thing is that people hate me with all the accusations. I was forced to stay away from the closest people who previously loved me very much.

I opened a music and film record store. Sales results do not match income. Meanwhile I have to buy every new production product. I forced myself to be in debt to the cooperative. Every first and second month was smooth, but when sales started to decline, the income didn't match what the dealer had to deposit on credit.

As a result of that problem I had to move places and had to rebuild my ruined life. My family is ashamed to have to interact with all these burdens, not to mention having to deal with society. So I had to take my wife and children to leave the village.

All these problems, very interesting, but I never get discouraged. I always struggle, so that I can get back up and get out of the problems that befall me.

How do I do that? I believe, I never gave up hope. I always believed that I would be successful again. And there is no reason for me to take my mind off faith. Every time my mind directs itself to always look for ways and solutions to problems. It can only make our mind manage all the problems.

Life is only a matter of time, problems are only part of the flowers of life. There is no problem that cannot be solved, and the flowers bloom and fall in due time. Such is the cycle of life and problems in this world.

When will all the problems be solved? When all our thoughts have been gathered with something that appears that we have never seen before. New thoughts will shape all the characters and paths in us. The collection of all that will change our thoughts to be positive, and positive thoughts will always make people change. Change can only be obtained with positive thoughts.

Successful people are always filled with positive thoughts. And do not want to bother with the problems that have been generated because of negative thoughts. Tend to negative thoughts will create all patterns of life problems. Positive thoughts will make us strong, patient, and always act well. The soul will always be clean and positive thoughts can make us see so clearly in all circumstances.

Positive thoughts That's what brought me to good people, millionaires who are successful in business. Until the positive finally met me with an honest meaning, until finally trust tied me and gave me money and programs that I could run.

From my departure and migration from the village to the city, it finally bears fruit. I gain trust and trust make money. All control has been adopted in belief, and at that time my belief is getting stronger. Until finally I returned to the village with a very heavy heart.

Where the people in the village have scorned me for all the failures. But reality is the experience that educates me for the biggest big leaps. I came home with money, and several programs with humanitarian missions that I had to carry out.

How do I meet that person who helped me? As I said, faith and trust. We met through social media. all the time he just reads the posts. follow my every writing, he progress. Then he got interested and offered me a program. At the time I thought this was a good opportunity, and I succeeded.

> If you want to be successful in Hive then hang out with people at Hive~Afridany


In the meantime, I rented an office and set up a penitentiary. We run non-formal education programs, provide assistance to study centers, and facilitate all the needs of the nation's generation. We donated it, and we are lucky to be able to run its business through our institution. Everything went smoothly and fine.

At the office, in between breaks, I use the time to play blogger. I see the opportunity to write on a blog has great potential for business. And it turned out that when the Google Adsense company gave content writers an opportunity, I invited my friends at work to join, and the results were satisfactory.

Not long after the presence of the booming and global Steemit platform, I tried on Steemit, but I didn't get a chance to succeed on Steemit, because the competition was so tight. As a result I found an alternative, I finally found Hive. I studied and studied again to be able to add on Steemit, even I studied Literature. And then I got an award from all my friends at Hive.

Oh yes, I forgot. Yesterday in my post I wrote that I am a barber. In addition, I also work as a secretary in a village government agency. And other times, stay creative on Hive.😁

Yesterday, someone asked me. Mas, how do you get success in the nest?


Hive is a Blockchain platform consisting of blogs and formed of communities that can influence the development of members to collect crypto tokens on Hive. So how do we get rich in Hive?

Here below I will gas and share more tips with friends. Follow my every post, apart from my travels, my daily life, I will also share tips and ways to be successful in business or business, but on one condition you should not be arrogant when you are rich and get the results.

Okay fine, read the step by step I did below:

  • KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY. choose what community according to your potential and material. Are you a photography lover? If so, you should choose that community, and must be a professional photographer who can paint with light, and produce lots of great pictures that can be presented on the blog community.
  • DESCRIPTION. After posting a photo you should be able to describe the photo in writing. At least you can write a little description or description of the image, using simple language.Don't be too verbose by sticking to spelling correct punctuation.

  • INTERACTIVE. In making posts, both photos and writings must be interactive. As if your post is a story or important information that must be told to all. Not everyone in the community is relevant to education. So don't educate or patronize the community.

  • MUTUALISM SYMBIOSIS. This means that posts made must be mutually beneficial. Not even harm friends in the community. But you have to be sensitive to see something different in your content. When you have a lot of floral content, don't post flowers anymore, but create something different in your community.

  • BUILD YOUR COMMUNITY. The more community members there are, the greater the chances of getting results. It's like adding more voting income or votes to your posts. If necessary, invite them to join and build relationships in the community so that your network community gets bigger and develops.

  • BE POLITE. Be polite in your community. Both in using spoken language, and in communicating in comments.

  • ATTENTION THE CURATOR. Each curator will select a different post with the topic you cover. Catch the curator's attention with a theme or topic. is an important part of creating content. Because each will come with various themes in the content. Make the content as good as possible so that curators are interested in your content.

Well, friends, those are just a few tips for today. Hope you get a chance to collect a lot of crypto through Hive. Hive is a decentralized Blockchain that is still equipped with creator content creators who are still good, unpolluted, different from trash creator content like on Facebook. Hive will make you smarter and more advanced. The content on Hive is knowledgeable and rich in information. So be yourself rich as Hive is rich.

If you have read my content, and think it means to share it for all. So that they will also be like you who will collect a lot of crypto for future investment. If now, when else will you invest for old age later. GREETINGS AND THANK YOU.

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