How I Create Content on Hive, here are the tips



Monday is a good start. I wake up early in the morning, and sleep more comfortably than usual. Because, my mind is calmer, and my heart is very peaceful. I opened the Hive App and on my smartphone, saw today's Hive progress and friends in the community, what they shared today in their posts.

Success is belief in action when we start~~Afridany

Meanwhile I boil hot water and make a cup of warm sweet tea for the children. My daughter Fiona is afraid to take a sip. He said it was very hot. I have mixed it with cold water. On the first sip he couldn't believe me that the tea was half cold. He smiled and revealed my seductive eyes.

Not long after his brother woke up, his eyes were still cause. He asked his mother. I explained that his mother had gone to the market. Every early morning when the sun is down on the eastern horizon, she is already beautifully dressed, puts on lipstick at the beginning and goes to the market, while taking my first son to school. My two daughters lived with me for a while.

Before my wife comes home from shopping, I take care of them bathing, putting on their clothes and comforting them so they don't cry. At least make a cup of sweet tea.

After my wife came home from the market, I got ready to go to work. I have to travel about 5 KM to the city. During the trip I enjoyed the natural scenery around on a motorcycle. In the morning there was the shriek of the herons in the farmer's pond, the life of the fishermen and the beautiful view of the beach.

As soon as I arrived at work I opened my barber shop, and sat waiting for customers. Meanwhile, I turn on the laptop and open the email, I see what message I got today. And then I open the hive application, observe notifications, who are my friends who have voted on my posts.

When the names of friends and curators voted for this post, I was very sad, looked and saw happy. Mixed feelings made me interested in creating content on Hive. I can't seem to hold back all those feelings.

it's just an option when a customer comes in, I shave their head and a little thought of my focus from the Hive. And will resume after shaving their hair. I get wages from shaving Rp. 15000. And that's enough to pay for my needs to eat together after gathering it all my life, but during the Covid-19 pandemic my economy really slumped. So I have to find solutions and alternatives to my family's economy. I had to cover all their needs in various ways, and finally I found Hive from an Informatics Engineering friend.

I am lucky to have academic friends. They can provide me with invaluable knowledge and education. Until I can achieve my wish. And maybe I will be even more lucky, if all my friends can also support me.

All this time I was planning to build a house for the children, especially for my daughter. I thought my daughter would be ashamed if she didn't have a home. But right now I don't have enough savings for it, can I be here?

I don't know, but I believe and venture on Hive. Armed with a little experience in writing and a little knowledge of photographers, I tried. And it turns out that the door of opportunity and opportunity at Hive is open to me. I'm good and planning to do something better and better with varying consistency and consequences.

I even really believe that Hive will be able to bring all its community to various success stories on blockchain. And will present various interesting stories on the scene of this great platform. Hopefully what we have planned will all be achieved.

In the opportunities and narrowness of my spare time working as a barber, I am accompanied by a laptop and a good internet network. I also divide the time to work.

At ten o'clock, my wife came home from the market. Children will be overjoyed when they hear their mother's voice from outside the window. I went to the bathroom and got ready to go to work. That's where all my dreams and dreams will come true.


  1. Actually, my post didn't get a lot of votes either. But, for my category as a beginner and joining for only a few months getting 49$ votes in each post is a pleasure in itself. And to reach that big of a post rate, tips on creating content are needed. If friends want to know what tips I use to create content like that, read more about the ways and tricks I did below:

  2. First, is a brilliant idea. Brilliant ideas developed in writing will make your content more quality and easy to read. Ideas are present in the scope of your daily life. What you do every day is a walking idea that doesn't need to be searched and dug. We just need to develop it by writing each of our activities. That's a good and true idea.

  3. Second, documenting ideas with photos. The photo must be bright and visible painting a light on the object with it. Don't let the reader's eyes blur with the photos that we include in the post.

  4. Third, in every post, the introduction to the narrative must have a good and flowing flow so that the reader is not confused. However, readers need narration or light reading to be easily accessed using simple language. Do not use long-winded language, readers will run away from the post.

  5. Fourth, posts must be informative. Not just tell about or your daily activities. However, it is necessary to include some informative things so that readers can know what is conveyed in the post. Quality posts are informative posts that can move readers into action, and can generate new ideas from the posts or photos displayed.

  6. Fifth, in making posts, it is better to use the five-line one-paragraph formula. This is the key to keeping the reader interesting in following the flow of the narrative. Neat and orderly writing in a paragraph can make it easier to read in a short time and not burden when reading posts.

  7. Sixth, is the last, a quality post begins with a good opening and a modest closing. This means that in the initial post as an opening and ending as a closing, an analogy or climax is needed rather than a story.

Well, friends- ask, those are some tips for making posts in the Hive community so that our content can achieve high voting. Also read some tips to make your content curator-worthy. And what matters is your intention when creating content:


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