Hivefest 9: Conference Day 2 in the Diocletian Palace - Part 2 Connecting with Awesome people and more...

OK, so I've been on the Hive blockchain (and the ugly former one) for more than 7 years, and I only just figured out yesterday that there's a Hivefest community. LOL. Talking about running behind on the facts. Anyway, that's not so important. I just threw that in to let you know some unnecessary information.

This post is going to be about the second part of Conference Day 2 of Hivefest.
You can read my other posts about Hivefest in these three posts:
Hivefest 9 Split, Croatia: Last minute travels - But I made it! My Road to Hivefest
Hivefest: My Day of Arrival 11 September 2024. Day 1 Missed. In time for dinner.
Hivefest: Conference Day 2 - Well Rested. More or Less Part 1. The Diocletian Palace.

But let's get to it!



A Little Bit of Another Chain

The first one up after the break (it may have been before, but not 100% sure), was @thedesertlynx or @thedessertlinux (because the former seems to have lost their keys...ironically) from Dash (@dashpay). He had something new to tell us, and I did try to follow it, but to be honest, most of the technical stuff went right over my head. Maybe because of the jetlag haha. I blame it on that.

@thedessertlinux of @dashpay

So I am not even going to try to repeat all he said. I'd probably mess it up anyway.
You can read more about it here on the Dashpay account, or if you really want to know everything, please watch the video of the event.

One of Our Own

After Dashpay, there was a much more familiar face (@starkerz) who always has something good to show us. Every single time. And apparently they haven't sat still at SPK head quarters, because this 'new' thing is actually quite a cool new thing.
Matt told us everything about Distriator, and here's where it becomes interesting.
From what I understood about it, if you onboard a business to Hive, and then purchase whatever products they have in that business with HBD or BTC lightning, you receive a nice discount straight back into your wallet. Now, don't pin me on this because I heard a lot that day, and not everything always sticks, but I believe that's the gist of it.
The website is, so you can see for yourself how it works, and especially, how many businesses are already on there. Let's bring Hive to the (business) world, yeah?
I'm looking forward to bring this into practice myself here, and see some results in this part of Mexico.


Matt what he does best


The Projects


3Speak, SPK and Distriator. I prefer to call it the 3GreatHiveThings.
Although Matt did admit that 3Speak has some issues. Hopefully nothing that can't be resolved.
Now, I don't know about you, but this all sounds very promising, doesn't it? Even if each person just brings one business to the chain, we'd have something. Something more.

Definitely not Least

Last for this post, but definitely not least. Quite the opposite. A film made by @mynewlife in collaboration with @mcsamm about some of the work that has been done in Ghana. More precisely: the much needed boreholes that were made possible by the Hive blockchain. I knew about this project, but I had no idea that @mynewlife went there and made a film, called Water Direct, that told us about the project, so it was a good surprise. The film told us and showed us how much those boreholes meant to those villages. Before this, women and children had to often go far, and early in the morning, to get water for the day. Not only that, but the water they'd get wasn't always the best water, and often contaminated with all kinds of things we really don't want in our water...
As always, it was excellent work done by Raf, who's just an amazing talent, and I'm lucky to also call him a friend.


From what I heard Roeland say after the showing, something went wrong with the live stream, so there is a chance that outside of those who were present to watch it, no one has seen it. Which is a crying shame. But I'm sure there will be more chances.
After we watched the film, there was a short interview with both, in which they shared their side of the story with us. I had missed one or two of the speakers in between, but I'm glad I didn't miss this. It was a great ending of a great conference day.


To close it all off for this post, I'll share with you a photo of all the tasty things they presented us with for lunch time. Yumm...

Be sure to come back for my next post, because after this, it's more about the people, so that's where it really gets interesting (and maybe even some nightlife if you're lucky 🙃).


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