Hive Fest Split - Day 1 - Dinner Restaurant Gusar

Hive Fest Split 2024 - Day 1 - Dinner, Restaurant Gusar

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If you already checked the Hive Fest Split - Conference Day 1 you know i wanted to put all the photos from day one into one post. But i do suck at photo selection and i just could not decide how to cut it down to a "normal" number of photos.

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So when i saw Gala Dinner on the schedule, my first thought was, what could be gala about a hivefest dinner. Well i am not a Gala dinner type of a guy but i would assume that this is how gala dinner should look like 😁
There are several posts about the food and the Gusar restaurant. I think Ninaeatshere did a good job documenting details of it :). All i can say is that Restoran Gusar in Split looks great, has a really nice view and the food was delicious.

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What is going on here you would ask? Well after the Conference a bus waited for us to transfer us to the restaurant. Some of us were slow and the bus was full, so we had to wait for it to come back. As we got to the parking lot Jarvie had an idea of taking some portraits. It is actually pretty crazy what can you do with a phone (a good phone, but still a phone) if you put people at the right place and you know what you are doing. Jarvie photos

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So i was just taking some behind the seen shots :)

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I think everyone who saw the photos agreed that Starkerz was the best model :)

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As we were the second bus small group the place was pretty full already. ph1102 invited me to sit with them as there was one place left at the table. So i got some opportunity to chat with seckorama. How bad am i with connecting profile photos with faces shows that i needed 3 days for my brain to click and connect it. He was in the first 50 people i started following when i joined Hive 7 years ago.

It also gave me an opportunity to chat with the buttcoins family. They are on the adventure travelling through balkans after HiveFest. You should probably give them a follow, especially the BombKids. They even saved my diner from the waiter who thought i was finished while i was away taking photos.

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Than we had several people playing some music. As someone who loves photographing performances i grabbed my camera right away. And then i saw my arch enemy (no, not the stairs). The LED Reflector.


My hate of them is truly great. They have the power to turn a beautiful smiley photo into this.

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They have the spot that burns the highlight to oblivion, they are directional and don't scatter the light, they should only be used in amateur horror films, but for some reason they are everywhere.

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One of the solutions is to wait for the flash of yellow or white as those can look decent.

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Sometimes, if you are lucky, you can save it by turning it to black and white.

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Fondew realized that we are talking about the light and tried to help us with a better position (as that was also not great, you don't light people from close down) but there was not much we could do.

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a selfie

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And a rare photo of Split that i took (i don't remember taking photos of the town. for some reason)

And a short video from day 1

And again, if all this photos were not enough for you, if you didn't see yourself here or you didn't like how you look on photos, there is a small chance that can be fixed by CLICKING ON THIS GDRIVE LINK WHERE ALL THE PHOTOS FROM HIVE FEST SPLIT - GALA DINNER RESTAURANT GUSAR ARE CURENTLY LOCATED

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