Passive Income in Pegaxy with just $100?

Pegaxy is now booming and quickly becoming one of the most prominent names in the Play-to-Earn scene. With this, investors are looking for a way to invest and earn income from the game.


Our Offer
Alamat Squad offers a hassle-free way for investors to earn passive income in Pegaxy. The idea is simple: Individuals who can only invest a small amount of money pool their money, invest it into Pegaxy, and earn profit-share from it every 15 days.

As a profit-sharing arrangement investors will no longer need to worry about managing and playing since Alamat Squad will take care of the whole process for them. More importantly, the profit-sharing arrangement will be for at least 1 year up to 2 years or when investors have x5 their capital (500% gain), whichever comes first, unless they decide to sell their share to any person at any given moment after two payouts.

How much do I need to start?
Investment starts at $100. The maximum investment amount is currently capped at $2500. Investments can be deposited in USDT (BSC), USDT (MATIC), VIS, PGX, or SLP. For other cryptocurrency, kindly convert them to USDT in Binance Smart Chain network or Polygon network.

How much can I earn?
Payouts are then computed based on a 60%(investors) / 20%(admin) / 20% (scholar) cut. For investors, the projected breakeven is expected to be around 2 to 4 months with the current game state.

How will I get my share?
Earnings will be deposited in USDT (BSC)or USDT (MATIC) to the investors' nominated cryptocurrency address unless they want Alamat Squad to hold the tokens for them.

Investors can also receive the payout in VIS so they will be the ones to trade it into USD or any crypto, which gives them the opportunity to sell VIS at a price they are most comfortable in. All these of course are subject to prevailing market conditions so ROI can be faster or slower depending on VIS price action.

How often will the payouts be?
Payouts will happen every 15 days. You will be notified when Day 1 starts (the day the Pega becomes available to race). Investors will be informed when Day 1 begins and when payouts will happen.

Can I see the transactions myself?
All transactions (Scholar payouts, total VIS claimed, total VIS released to admin and investors) will be documented in a Google Drive folder. Daily grind is documented and can be accessed with a private link. There is also a private Discord channel only accessible to investors.

Note on Market Volatility
Take note that this is a medium to long-term investment and a volatile one. Remember that the prevailing crypto market, more so the Play-to-Earn scene is unpredictable. There would be moments where token prices will pump and there would be moments that token prices will tank. On top of this, Play-to-Earn earnings also depend, to a certain extent, on luck. In the case of Pegaxy, which is currently an RNG game, win rate and placement varies, which means the daily grind will sometimes be high and sometimes be low, but we expect this to even out in the 15-day cutoff.

Why Alamat Squad
Our guild, Alamat Squad or Pulutong ng mga Alamat (English translation: Squad of Legends), is a Philippine-based guild established to provide Filipinos Play-to-Earn scholarships in games such as Axie Infinity, Pegaxy, and the likes. Every investment means another Filipino earns from the game as well.


With seven previous cycles, Alamat Squad was able to raise more than $8000 USD and seeks to close the call for investors by Cycle X.

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