Working with neighbour tribes

Halokr nautza monlegr oz gunghrim hrut,

obur ilv gadajen

Surviving alone is almost impossible, I learned that long ago. You must form groups with mutual interests but with different activities.

Doing that will allow you to dedicate your time in one activity and exchanging with the friendly groups, (sometimes called tribes) in order to have everything needed for survival.

Groups are also a nice advantage while beeing attacked, the number will discourage most foes...

Some time ago I found a trunk, where I collect what I find or what I do not produce myself (hive-engine), remember? It allows me to stockpile and trade with other tribes.


For sure a nice tool for surviving.

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Jala tho najandr jemed...

The dwarven survivalist.

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The story begun on 25/06/2020
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