BLACK PANTHER you will be missed, we lost a great actor this week Chadwick Boseman. Tribute Post

This week we had a great misfortune in the community, and that was non other then Chadwick Boseman who has passed away.

While Chadwick was a fan from many characters, he stole my heart like many others in the role of Black Panther.

I didn't have high hopes for Black Panther, but the movie was so well done, entertaining, and the performance of Chadwick Boseman who really was such a perfect fit for BLACK PANTHER.

In a very touching tribute, many of his friends and people who know him in person gave their thoughts and here are some of the highlights from twitter:




As many here weren't even aware of this health issues, and while I didn't know him personally by the outpouring from people who did -- he seemed like a great character off the screen as much as on...

RIP Blank Panther.

Star Wars #1 Fan -- @starwars

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