Chooseday Thoughts: Dealing with Disappointment | LarryIsAlive


I choose to acknowledge that I'm dealing with a bit of sadness and disappointment from some events yesterday. It's not major, but some folks can be truly disappointing. I guess that's one of the realities of life. Over time, some folks get unmasked and show their true selves. There's not much I could do about them, but I can choose how to react. Thankfully, I wrote on some postcards that my daughter will be sending out by tomorrow. I realized that sending postcards sparks joy in me. I went to bed at peace and actually slept well.


My daughter deals with disappointment in a different way. She actually ordered these mochi donuts last Saturday. However, it really rained heavily over the weekend, so delivery was rescheduled for today. Since my daughter really wanted us to try it, she agreed to the late delivery.


She came home in a good mood, even though it once again rained heavily as she came out of the office. (I'm beginning to detect a weather pattern here. LOL!) That's the contents of the first box of mochi donuts.


That's what's inside the second box. I got to try one of the strawberry flavored ones. It was delish! It went well with my lungo coffee. Well, we have these to enjoy for the next few days. Plus, I will be writing on the second half of my postcards tonight. That will surely make my night.

I guess the best way to deal with disappointment is to acknowledge the feeling. I have come to realize that we sometimes get disappointed because we also expected much. It is what it is. Well, let's see how the situation unfolds. For now, enough with the drama and just move forward to better things.



Daily goal achieved; weekly one moved up to 43%; monthly finally reached 80% with three days left in the month. LOL!



LL daily credits have been reached. I'm nearing half of my target of 1K. I'm going to focus on reaching it asap.



As I completed my daily surf on TAB, the site offered double credits for surfing! LOL! So I did some more to take advantage of additional points.



Today I found the three prized pages. Yay! I wish that happens every day from hereon. I've exceeded my monthly target but I keep on for the daily bonus that also gives a monthly bonus once you have completed 30 consecutive days of logging into FAFY.


With less than three hours to welcoming the midweek, this is my mood...


Hope you'll have a fantastic day, devoid of any disappointments. LOL! I'll see you on my next #LarryIsAlive quest post. Till then...

My books are now available:


Never Bother


Don't You Cry No More

DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

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My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

Documenting my life's journey:

My main blog ===> Fresh Start

I started a series since October 2018...

'Coz I like Tumblr ===> I Am Raincrystal

Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

BTC address: 3Nu6g6pRbypgASwgEBJaMyUzWKQnzYEkKY


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