Larry Is Alive #078 I Am Alive Challenge

Hello everyone. Hope we are all having a fun filled day? Its thr weekend, a time to relax after the exhaustive week. Anyway, Larry the postman is not resting on his oars as ke keeps running around and doing what he knows best. Larry tseks time as usual, before commencing his routine business of the day to take a look at today in #history. And here we go:

Gentlemen, do you know that on this day in 1190, during the Third Crusade to the Holy Land, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I (Frederick Barbarossa) drowned while attempting to cross the Saleph River.

Do you also know that on this day in 1868, Serbian Prince Michael III was slain, putting the Balkan League's preparations for a coordinated insurrection against the Ottomans on hold and thus dismantling the league.

Moreso, on this day in 1940, Benito Mussolini's Italy declared war on France and the United Kingdom, ushering the country into World War II.

Again, on this day in 1977, James Earl Ray, the convicted killer of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., fled from a Tennessee jail and was apprehended 54 hours later.

Finally, on this day in 2007, HBO aired the final episode of The Sopranos, a legendary TV series about Mafia boss and family man Tony Soprano (played by James Gandolfini).

Let's now move over to the hunt for Larry...

Larry the postman as usual went about his duties delivering mails and am sure you know you can also get paid for just finding him. On my path, I hunted and found Larry in three places, that is, at Listnerds, Leadsleap and CTPX!


With my hunt at Listnerds I read over ten mails to complete the task. It is the time.of thr month when hivians power up. So most of the mails I read centered on that. Here are some of the interesting ones I read:


For my hunt for Larry at Leadsleap, I viewed the required ads to complete the task. Here is my proof too.


I hunted Larry in CTPX by xploring the number of sites to qualify for the draws and complete the task.
Here is a my proof of my xploring...

You too can also join us at CTPX with my referral link and win in the various hourly drawing.

That's all for now so keep hunting for Larry the Postman and am sure you will definitely get paid.

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