Enjoying the garden and the weather

This is not a messy garden, but a 5-star wellness oasis for bees!

Today you get a different post from me. Usually, I write about my workout, games I play, or short stories for a contest.

Sitting in the garden, enjoying the weather and my coffee.

I woke up a bit early and the night was way too short. I made myself a nice special coffee which was a present from my wife. I got different coffee blends and this is the last one. A coffee from Speicherstadt which basically means from Hamburg. The beans are not as dark as in other types and taste mild.

While sitting here and listening to the birds and watching bees and flies doing their thing and also fighting mosquitoes as always, I thought I could make some nice photos. Unfortunately, the good camera from my wife seems to be dead. Either the battery or the complete camera is broken. So I took the pics with my phone but the quality isn't that bad.


Above is the side of the garden towards the street and below you see the side towards the neighbor. You can see the lamps which work with solar energy and starts shining when it's dark. I like standing there when it's dark.

Below you see the part towards our living room. My wife loves ladybugs and bees and decorates everything with them. She calls the ladybugs 'Moudschegiebschn' which is a weird but funny word from East Germany. I met a few people from there who say this.

These are the most beautiful flowers we have in my opinion.

The rest of the garden is just lawn and conifers to avoid direct views from the street. I have to say thank you to my wife for putting so much work into the garden. We sit there when we both have not to work and I cooked a nice meal.

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Images and screenshots are from me

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