Hive Open mic week 226 - Mi oraci贸n 馃檱 El poder de la oraci贸n 馃檹 Cover @yuli07.馃尮


Hello my beautiful people of Hive, blessings to all, We are in week number #226 and the theme for this week is
(My prayer) 馃檹馃檱

Hola mi gente bonita de Hive, bendiciones para todos, Estamos en la semana n煤mero #226 y el tema para esta semana es
(Mi oraci贸n)


Prayer is not the natural tool for God to see us, but rather a beautiful way that God has given us to be aware that he sees us and hears us.
It is not the way in which we convince God, but rather that God already knows what needs we have, and that speaks of when we expose ourselves to God in prayer. We do not expose ourselves to see how we can convince him, but to convince ourselves that he is a good father and that his will is perfect for us and that everything will be fine.

And we have to change that mentality of how we approach prayer, because prayer is communion and not conviction. It is the way in which we will become aware again that thanks to Christ we have a perfect relationship with who our father is and who knows what we need. 馃槆

La oraci贸n no es la herramienta natural que Dios nos vea si no que es una hermosa manera que Dios nos ha dado para sernos consciente de que 茅l nos ve y nos escucha
No es la forma en la que convencemos a Dios sino que ya Dios sabe que necesidades tenemos y eso habla de cuando nos exponemos a Dios en oraci贸n, no nos exponemos para ver como podemos convencerlo sino para convencernos de que 茅l es un padre bueno y que su voluntad es perfecta para con nosotros y de que todo va a estar bien.

Y tenemos que cambiar esa mentalidad de como nos acercamos a la oraci贸n por qu茅 la oraci贸n es comuni贸n y no es convencimiento es la manera en volveremos a ser conciente de que gracias a Cristo tenemos una relaci贸n perfecta con qui茅n es nuestro padre y que sabe lo que necesitamos. 馃槆

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