Hive Open Mic Week #176 | Because I Have Been Given Much - Phillip Landgrave (Cover) [ENG/SPA]


Foto de Brett Jordan en Unsplash

I am happy to participate in the Hive Open Mic Week 176, where we explored about "La Gratitude". Thanks to friend @ ernesto6402 who is the recent featured artist of our community. Today I share with you my rendition on the trumpet of "Because I have been given much", a hymn composed by the Minister of Music, Professor Phillip Landgrave. This tune is titled “Seminary” and was made in honor of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, where he was a student and professor. The lyrics are by Grace Noll Crowell who remained an invalid for 11 years and motivated by her suffering wrote a poem called "The Shared Loaf". The song is in the key of G major and has a moderate tempo. The time signature is 4/4, which means there are four beats per measure. The melody is simple. The lyrics are about gratitude for life's blessings.

Me siento feliz por participar en el Hive Open Mic Semana 176, donde exploramos acerca de "La Gratitud". Gracias al amigo @ernesto6402 quien es el reciente artista destacado de nuestra comunidad. Hoy les comparto mi interpretación con la trompeta de «Tú me has dado muchas bendiciones, Dios», un himno compuesto por el ministro de Música, el profesor Phillip Landgrave. Esta melodía se titula “Seminario” y se hizo en honor al Seminario Teológico Bautista del Sur en Louisville, KY, donde fue estudiante y profesor. La letra es de Grace Noll Crowell quien permaneció inválida durante 11 años y motivada por su sufrimiento escribió un poema llamado “The Shared Loaf”. La canción está en clave de sol mayor y tiene un tempo moderado. El tipo de compás es 4/4, lo que significa que hay cuatro tiempos por compás. La melodía es sencilla. La letra trata sobre la gratitud por las bendiciones de la vida.

Personally, I have received many blessings from being grateful. Many times we tend to lose sight of the things we have received from God. If we want to be happy, feel healthy, and connect with other people, it's important to show gratitude. Gratitude is a key to peace, personal satisfaction and happiness. I am sure that many people have received blessings and opportunities for being grateful. There are many ways to practice gratitude. One way is to keep a gratitude journal, in which we write down things we are thankful for each day. Another way is to make a list of the people we love and are grateful for. We can also thank people who have helped us or who have done something good for us. If there is something that I do every day, it is to thank those who enjoy my musical content. I don't know how many times I do it in a day, but thanks to that my life has purpose, happiness and tranquility.

Personalmente, he recibido muchas bendiciones al ser agradecido. Muchas veces solemos perder de vista las cosas que hemos recibido de Dios. Si queremos ser felices, sentirnos saludables y conectar con otras personas, es importante demostrar gratitud. La gratitud es una llave hacia la paz, la satisfacción personal y la felicidad. Estoy seguro de que muchas personas han recibido bendiciones y oportunidades por ser agradecidos. Hay muchas formas de practicar la gratitud. Una forma es mantener un diario de gratitud, en el que escribimos cosas por las que estamos agradecidos cada día. Otra forma es hacer una lista de las personas que amamos y por las que estamos agradecidos. También podemos agradecer a las personas que nos han ayudado o que han hecho algo bueno por nosotros. Si hay algo que cotidianamente hago es agradecer aquellos que disfrutan de mi contenido musical. No sé cuántas veces lo hago en el día, pero gracias a eso mi vida tiene propósito, felicidad y tranquilidad.

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Because I Have Been Given Much

Because I Have Been Given Much
Because I have been given much,
I too must give;
Because of thy great bounty Lord,
Each day I live;
I shall divide my gifts from thee
With every brother that I see
Who has the need of help from me.

Because I have been sheltered, fed
By thy good care;
I cannot see another’s lack and I not share;
My glowing fire, my loaf of bread,
my roof's safe shelter overhead
That he too may be comforted.

Because I have been blessed by
thy great love dear Lord;
I’ll share thy love again
According to thy word;
I shall give love to those in need,
I’ll show that love by word and deed;
Thus shall my thanks be thanks in deed. (11).gif

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