Hive Open Mic Week #235 | Too Much Heaven - Bee Gees (Cover) by @yisusth

With my eyes set on the stars, I join this community to explore together the mysteries of “The Heaven” in the Hive Open Mic of Week #235. I am pleased to share my interpretation on the trumpet of “Too Much Heaven”, a Rhythm and blues song composed by the Bee Gees. As some of you may know, this group was made up of brothers Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb. The only one who is currently alive is Barry Gibb. The lyrics talk about love and happiness. It is an optimistic and hopeful song, which motivates you to enjoy the small pleasures of life. This song was released in 1978, in the middle of the disco music era. I always find that video where the Bee Gees, in the middle of the studio, tried to reach the high notes of “Stayin' Alive” a good punch in the stomach and those falsettos so characteristic of them began to come out.

Spanish | Español (click here)

Con la mirada puesta en las estrellas, me sumo a esta comunidad para explorar juntos los misterios de “The Heaven” en el Hive Open Mic de la Semana #235. Tengo el agrado de compartir mi interpretación con la trompeta de «Too Much Heaven», una canción de género Rhythm and blues compuesto por los Bee Gees. Como algunos sabrán esta agrupación estaba integrada por los hermanos Barry, Robin y Maurice Gibb. El único que vive actualmente es Barry Gibb. La letra habla sobre el amor y la felicidad. Es una canción optimista y llena de esperanza, que te motiva a disfrutar de los pequeños placeres de la vida. Esta canción fue lanzada en 1978, en plena era de la música disco. Siempre me divierte ese video donde los Bee Gees, en pleno estudio, intentaban alcanzar las notas altas de “Stayin' Alive”. Un buen golpe en el estómago y comenzaron a salir esos falsetes tan característicos en ellos.


Foto de SALEH en Unsplash

Ever since man and woman have been on earth, they have had a great fascination with heaven. Heaven has become the pinnacle of human aspirations. We all have this need to transcend and achieve happiness. I believe that we do not have to wait to reach heaven and merge with the stars to be happy. The purpose of life is to build happiness while we live on this plane. We are in a period of our existence of learning and training. It is like a school of happiness. From the perspective of the gospel, heaven is the final destination of those who follow Jesus Christ. I believe that happiness is built in family and that the relationships we build on earth go beyond the grave. In my faith, we believe that families can be eternal. That son, brother, father or mother that you have lost, you will see again, but it will depend on the kind of life you have led in mortal life.

Spanish | Español (click here)

Desde que el hombre y la mujer se encuentra en la tierra ha tenido gran fascinación por el cielo. Esta se ha convertido en la cúspide de las aspiraciones humanas. Todos tenemos esa necesidad de trascender y obtener la felicidad. Yo considero que no tenemos que esperar a llegar al cielo y fundirnos con las estrellas para ser felices. El propósito de la vida es construir la felicidad mientras vivimos en este plano. Estamos en un periodo de nuestra existencia de aprendizaje y entrenamiento. Es como una escuela de la felicidad. En la perspectiva del evangelio, el cielo es el destino final de aquellos que siguen a Jesucristo. Yo creo que la felicidad se construye en familia y que la relaciones que construimos en la tierra van más allá del sepulcro. En mi fe, nosotros creemos que las familias pueden ser eternas. Ese hijo, hermano, padre o madre que has perdido lo volverás a ver, pero dependerá de la clase de vida que hayas llevado en la vida mortal.


Too Much Heaven

Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It's much harder to come by, I'm waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as high as a mountain and harder to climb

Ooh, you and me, girl, got a lot of love in store
And it flows through you
And it flows through me
And I love you so much more

Then my life, I can see beyond forever
Everything we are will never die
Love is such a beautiful thing
Oh, you make my world a summer day
Are you just a dream to fade away?

Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It's much harder to come by, I'm waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as high as a mountain and harder to climb

You and me, girl, got a highway to the sky
We can turn away
From the night and day
And the tears we had to cry

You're my life, I can see a new tomorrow
Everything we are will never die
Love is such a beautiful thing
When you are to me the light above
Made for all to see our precious love

Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It's much harder to come by, I'm waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as high as a mountain and harder to climb

Love is such a beautiful thing
Oh, you make my world a summer day
Are you just a dream to fade away?

Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It's much harder to come by, I'm waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as wide as a river and harder to climb
Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It's much harder to come by, I'm waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as high as a mountain and harder to climb

[Outro: Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb & Maurice Gibb]
Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It's much harder to come by, I'm waiting in line, oh
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as high as a mountain and harder to climb

Fuentes / Sources

ImagesObtained in Unsplash
Lyrics“Too Much Heaven” by Bee Gees on Genius
Thumbnail & BannerMade with Adobe Creative Cloud Express
GifsCreated with EZGif
Specific informationPop Icons Blog
Original SoundtrackBee Gees - Too Much Heaven (Official Video) (11).gif

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